AI Life is at the forefront of developing advanced humanoid robots and virtual humans, employing cutting-edge AI, machine learning, and deep learning technologies. They are passionate about enhancing human experiences through social interaction and entertainment with their robotic innovations.

Interview with Anoush Sadegh, CEO of AI Life Corp.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

Anoush Sadegh: Our core activities revolve around the creation of humanoid robots and Virtual humans. We are increasingly focusing on the entertainment industry, where our robots can add unique value, alongside our ongoing work in sectors like healthcare and education.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?

A.S: Our celebrated humanoid robot, XOIE, continues to represent AI Life at environmental and social events globally. We are excited about potential advancements through a prospective collaboration with NVIDIA on the Project GR00T Foundation Model, which promises to push the boundaries of what our robots can do.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?

A.S: AI Life offers a spectrum of products, from Virtual humans and social humanoid robots like XOIE to tailored robotic solutions across various sectors. Our focus remains on leveraging innovation to meet diverse industry needs, particularly in entertainment, healthcare, and educational contexts.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

A.S: The market for humanoid robots is on a significant growth trajectory. Demand is especially strong in areas that benefit from enhanced human-robot interaction, such as entertainment, healthcare, and educational initiatives.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

A.S: The integration of AI and robotics into daily life is accelerating, particularly with advancements that enhance autonomous functionality and human-robot interaction. AI Life is one of the leader in this trend, especially noted for our contributions to personal and entertainment robotics.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?

A.S: XOIE and ZUZU are our flagship products. ZUZU is a highly adaptable virtual assistant and digital persona, designed to augment human capabilities in educational and entertainment applications, also offering support for those with sensory impairments.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?

A.S: We expect the demand for sophisticated robotic solutions to continue rising, with a strong focus on enhancing the capabilities of humanoid robots like XOIE. Our expansion efforts will particularly target the entertainment sector, where we see significant opportunities.