ATEQ offers many leak, flow and battery testing instruments for quality testing components on electric vehicle. Whether you produce electric cars, buses, bikes or planes, ATEQ can test your components at every step of production to make sure your customers are getting safe reliable products.
Easy Engineering: How was 2022 for your business, a short summary?
ATEQ: 2022 was a successful year for all ATEQ Group, we are still leader on the leak testing market. We’ve faced new challenges for new markets as the E-Mobility one but our strong R&D department, with more than 100 engineers, has developed technical and innovative products for supporting our clients.
E.E: What products/services did you launch this year?
ATEQ: We’ve developed new leak testers for the E-Mobility market (electrical vehicle ect..) and specific applications such as electrical battery.
E.E: How did the market change, compared to previous years?
ATEQ: The traditional market is still the same with the same needs (pharmaceutical, cosmetic, classic automotive, electronic, appliance…) but we notice a strong demand concerning the new markets such as the E-Mobility and Hydrogen ones.
E.E: What are the new challenges in your field of activity?
ATEQ: We would like to still support our client for leak testing their new pieces. We need to continue improve our instruments because the needs of our customers are more and more specific especially for the reject level of leak test.
E.E: How did you overcome these challenges in this more competitive environment?
ATEQ: We have a strong commercial network located all over the word. Our collaborators are not only sales guys but also technical ones able to help the client on field.
E.E: Tell us about product innovation and how will it impact the future?
ATEQ: We still working on developing new products for supporting our clients with the best results possible. Customer satisfaction are our priority and we count on the clients to challenge us with new projects.

E.E: How will product innovation help the customers?
ATEQ: Our instruments are more accuracy and they need to be faster to decrease the test time.
E.E: What are the industry trends in the markets you are currently active?
ATEQ: Growth.
E.E: What do you think the trends will be next year?
ATEQ: Less challenge in the classic automotive and more challenges in the E-Mobility (new energy) one.
E.E: What is the outlook for 2023?
ATEQ: Keep our position on the market as leader for leak testing and face new challenging applications.