Dust is a major problem at many recycling companies, but also at blast furnaces that produce steel, among other things. Despite the ever-increasing safety and quality requirements that apply to dust, quartz dust and fine dust in the processing of demolition waste and green residues, many processors continue to struggle with this problem. Dust development harms the health of personnel and the environment. All this seems to come to an end with the introduction of the so-called BeeFoam. The Frisian company BeePro BV brings the dust suppressor BeeFoam onto the European market. BeeFoam is therefore one of the largest products in the fight against dust.
BeeFoam was initially developed to prevent dust development in mining. The foam not only has a dust suppressing function, it also smells nice and fresh and, given its biological composition, it is impossible to cause damage to the skin. Because many countries in Europe are struggling with a dust problem, an introduction of BeeFoam in Europe was obvious. The product is currently being used to combat the development of dust during the recycling of wood, glass and electronics, the transshipment of coal ore and the crushing of rubble. Mr. Wybren Beeksma, who has 21 years of experience in dust control on the European market, discovered the countless benefits of BeeFoam and decided to further market this product through his newly founded company, BeePro BV.

The operation of BeeFoam is simple. Processors purchase a foam installation from BeePro BV. This unit consists of a metal box containing a pump that sucks in the BeeFoam and mixes it with water and air. The water and air are sucked in by the pump on one side via two pipes. The mixture leaves the unit on the other side and foam is beaten in a stainless-steel pot to spray the resulting foam over the material to be processed. 99 litres of water + 1 litre of BeeFoam make 5000 litres of foam.
If extra foam is required, the pump automatically ensures that the mixture ratios no longer change. The BeeFoam installation can be mounted on a fixed sorting line, but BeePro can also supply a mobile installation for mobile wood crushers or mobile rubble crushers.

The consumption of the foam depends on the weather. For example, in a dry summer, more BeeFoam is needed than in wet weather. During a dry summer, the average water consumption is about 300 litres per hour. In a wet summer, this can drop to just 90 litres per hour. BeeFoam can be combined with both tap water and rain or factory water. The use of salt water is not allowed. If the customer does not have a compressor, it can be made available by BeePro BV.
The air consumption varies between 2,000 and 3,500 litres of compressed air per minute at 7 to 8 bar.
The final cost price of BeeFoam therefore also depends on the material and the weather conditions. But BeeFoam probably has the greatest positive impact on the workplace. Studies have sufficiently shown that absenteeism is much lower in a dust-free working environment. Employees enjoy coming to work in a healthy, dust-free environment. And finally, you will eventually be able to determine that BeeFoam significantly slows down the wear process of your machinery.

BeePro is present worldwide with a branch in China and the US. Canada, Mexico and the whole of South America are served from the US. The plans for 2023 include developing the expansion in Eastern Europe.