For urban risk managers wanting to invest in climate resilience and well-being where it matters most, BitaGreen offers a SaaS and data management system to design those blue-green infrastructure scenarios and nature-based solutions that are best for people and nature.

Interview with Nahad Helmi, Co-Founder & CTO at BitaGreen.

Easy Engineering: A brief description of the company and its activities.

Nahad Helmi: BitaGreen is revolutionizing urban environments with our innovative SaaS platform and advanced geospatial analytics. We specialize in integrating Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) such as green roofs, urban parks, and rain gardens to enhance climate resilience and sustainability. Our technology enables cities, developers, and insurers to assess climate risks, identify high-return resilience investments, and ensure compliance with ESG, EU Taxonomy, CSRD, and TNFD regulations. By transforming data into actionable insights, we empower our clients to create healthier, more resilient urban spaces that are economically viable and environmentally sound. Join us in pioneering a sustainable future for urban living.

E.E: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

N.H: BitaGreen operates primarily in the fields of urban planning, real estate development, and environmental sustainability. Our key areas of activity include:

  • ESG, EU Taxonomy, CSRD, and TNFD Compliance: Helping real estate investors and developers meet stringent environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards and comply with EU Taxonomy, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) regulations.
  • Nature-Based Solutions (NBS): Identifying hot spots and hope spots for implementing NBS to mitigate climate risks, enhance biodiversity, and improve urban resilience as part of a comprehensive climate adaptation strategy.
  • Geospatial Analytics: Utilizing advanced geospatial tools to provide comprehensive environmental impact assessments and strategic planning insights.

E.E: What’s the news about new products/services?

N.H: We are excited to announce the launch of our new comprehensive platform that integrates EU Taxonomy, CSRD, TNFD, and ESG reporting into one user-friendly tool. This platform allows users to seamlessly assess the environmental impact of their assets, comply with regulatory requirements, and implement effective climate adaptation strategies to enhance asset resilience.

E.E: What are the ranges of products/services?

N.H: 1) Software as a Service Platform:

  • BGI-Builder:
    • Analyze portfolio for climate and nature risk (ESG, EU Taxonomy, CSRD, and TNFD compliance)
    • Assess potential for resilience investment
    • Design nature-positive buildings
    • Locate and blueprint nature-positive projects at a city scale
    • Design city-specific policies to increase resilience and health
  • BGI-Monitor:
    • A mobile application for monitoring the impact of implemented nature-based solutions to ensure they are working as planned.

2) Advisory Services:

  • Expert guidance on sustainable urban planning and investment strategies.

E.E: What is the state of the market where you are currently active?

N.H: The market for sustainable urban development is rapidly evolving with increasing emphasis on ESG/EU Taxonomy compliance and climate resilience. There is a growing demand for innovative solutions that address environmental challenges while promoting social well-being. Investors and developers are recognizing the importance of integrating sustainability into their projects to meet regulatory requirements and enhance asset value. Additionally, there is a significant rise in the need for climate adaptation solutions and digital tools in this domain.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

N.H: Rising Demand for Compliance Services: Regulatory frameworks like the EU Taxonomy are driving the need for transparent and standardized reporting on environmental impacts.

Shift Towards Nature-Based Solutions: Cities and developers are increasingly adopting NBS to address climate risks, improve biodiversity, and create healthier urban environments.

Technological Integration: Advanced geospatial tools and data analytics are becoming essential for informed decision-making and strategic planning in urban development.

E.E: What are the most innovative products/services marketed?

N.H: At BitaGreen, innovation is in our DNA, stemming from our roots as a start-up of Vrije Universiteit Brussels and the expertise of our co-founders, university professors Nora Van Cauwenbergh and Nahad Helmi. The most innovative product we are proud of is our BGI-Builder platform, which offers a variety of services to the real estate industry, city planners, and sustainability officers:

  • Analyze and report compliance with global policies on resilience and health
  • User-defined scenarios based on city-specific policy requirements and preferences
  • Assess nature-based projects and investment needs
  • Pixel-level assessment for precise environmental impact analysis

Our recent collaboration with ISGlobal has propelled our innovation journey by adding more functionality to our platform, enhancing its capabilities to support comprehensive climate adaptation strategies.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2024?

N.H: In 2024, we anticipate significant growth in several key areas:

  • Health Impact Assessment Module: Completing and launching this feature on our BGI-Builder platform to offer a comprehensive evaluation of health benefits from green infrastructure projects.
  • New Partnerships and Collaborations: Establishing new partnerships with forward-thinking real estate companies to expand our reach and impact.
  • Geographic Expansion: Expanding our services to more cities globally, leveraging our participation in the AcceliCITY accelerator program to enhance our visibility and network.
  • Technology Enhancements: Continuously improving our platform’s capabilities, integrating advanced AI and machine learning features to provide even more precise and actionable insights.
  • Fundraising: Securing additional funding to grow our marketing efforts and product development, ensuring we remain at the forefront of our market segment and continue to innovate and expand our offerings.