Crafthunt is Europe’s largest platform for construction jobs. They anonymously connect qualified construction site professionals with reputable construction companies.

Interview with Jonas Stamm, Founder & CEO of Crafthunt.

Easy Engineerin: A brief description of the company and its activities.

Jonas Stamm: Times have changed. Entrepreneurs need solutions that fit the current challenges. For the construction industry, Crafthunt is such a tool. Here, companies apply for construction managers, foremen and skilled construction workers. Currently, more than 25,000 of them are anonymously searching for their dream job on Crafthunt. This is because each Crafthunter decides for himself when to reveal his personal data. So just taking a look around and checking your own market value is no problem. More than 700 construction companies such as MBN, Leitner, Catterfeld Welker and Eiffage (Fortune 500) are already using Crafthunt successfully. On their profiles, they display the information that really interests professionals. This includes current pictures of the machinery as well as the average age and size of the team.

E.E: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

J.S: Crafthunt is the international platform for construction site professionals. Construction site professionals and companies from all over the world can find their dream job or employee here. The special thing about Crafthunt is that it translates everything. Starting with the profile, through the chats to the contract. This creates security on all sides and makes communication easier. At the moment, most of the companies are German-speaking. This is because there is a huge shortage of skilled workers and a huge amount of construction projects that should and must be carried out. For this reason, the German government is also working on updating its laws to make it much easier for foreigners to work in Germany.

The shortage of skilled workers is attracting many skilled workers, especially from Eastern Europe. However, we also see a similar situation in the USA and in Central and South America.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?

J.S: Although we only founded Crafthunt last winter, we already have a number of new features planned. Our goal is to be the perfect partner for all construction site professionals and contractors. To become even more useful, we are working on a feature that will allow both parties to sign a contract on Crafthunt. And we are making sure that all legal requirements are met. 

In addition, the exchange of knowledge is very close to our hearts. So we are working on our own chat GPT version that answers all the questions that can arise when managing a construction site.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?

J.S: First of all, Crafthunt is Europe’s largest platform for construction talents where construction professionals and companies can find each other. For companies, this is a modern and easy way for their employer branding without having to build a digital infastructure, such as their own website, or try to attract the attention of the target group via social media.

Another advantage for employees is that Crafthunt is so easy to use. They can browse through potential new jobs on their way home from the construction site. And they don’t have to worry about what their boss will think: Crafthunt ensures that they are completely anonymously- for as long as they want. Our platform is also a great tool for those who would like to work abroad. Because they can chat with their potential employers in their own language. Our AI translates everything instantly and also supports the writing process.

But Crafthunt is more than just a platform for jobs. We also create a (digital) space to talk to each other and discuss complicated construction tasks. This way, professionals from all over the world can help and support each other.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

J.S: On the one hand, the construction activity of the 100 largest listed construction companies worldwide has increased strongly. Despite the Corona pandemic, their total turnover increased by a whopping 14 percent, according to the latest Deloitte report. On the other hand, there is a shortage of the labour needed. According to the German Construction Industry Federation (Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V.), the shortage of skilled workers in the construction industry has become the biggest business risk. At the beginning of 2021, 67 % of the construction companies surveyed named this as a risk to their own economic development. At the beginning of 2010, by contrast, it was only 21 %. We are also experiencing this with the companies we know. In their standard solutions, around 62 % of vacancies remain unfilled. The figures were shocking for us. We wanted to create something to support the industry. So we founded Crafthunt.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

J.S: There are some trends that will shape the future of the construction sector worldwide. First and foremost is digitalisation, which is still progressing slowly. The trend is and will impact every aspect of the sector. Starting with the way companies approach new employees, to the daily work routine and the use of autonomous robots.

And all of this is influenced by another trend: sustainability. Currently, this is one of the biggest trends in Europe. But we are sure that this will also influence the international industry.

Last but not least, it will also change the way companies look for employees. At the moment, most of them are still looking for employees close to their location. But they are expanding their radius more and more. The boundaries of the labour market will dissolve. Generations Y and Z are more mobile and willing to move abroad for their dream job. In addition, technology helps with communication.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?

J.S: Innovation is deeply rooted in the DNA of our company. That’s why we are the only talent marketplace in Europe in the construction sector. But we are more than that, because we also work as a social media platform in construction.

And we have also integrated the trending A.I. into our platform. So, we can help businesses curate their profiles and present themselves as well and transparently as possible.

But it also allows us to break down language barriers through AI-powered conversational translation. So European construction workers can become even more mobile. And counteract the bad or unequal treatment of construction workers, because Crafthunt makes the process transparent and comprehensible.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?

J.S: Our goal for 2023 is to have over 100,000 construction site professionals on the platform. We want to become the first job search platform for domestic and foreign construction managers and other construction site professionals.

At the same time, we want to be the tool that connects craftsmen from all over the world. So in the end we can all share our knowledge and together get better day by day.

With Crafthunt, we will make the labour market more transparent and thus be a solution to the growing labour shortage.