Discom is a leading company that has been providing solutions for noise/vibration, emissions, heat, and water-cooled exhaust systems for over 45 years. For the energy, industrial and maritime sectors. 

With its Dutch main office in Alblasserdam, which is mainly used for (Special) projects, Discom also has a production site in Romania, where most of the projects/series of silencers are produced.

Interview with Corne van Perse, Sales Engineer at Discom B.V.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

Corne van Perse: Discom is a company engaged in the maritime, energy and industrial sectors, in the field of noise reduction, exhaust gas cleaning and water injection for low temperature visibility achieving the desired sound level. 

Discom is originally a silencer manufacturer. We supply a range of standard silencers but also customer-specific silencers. We can design silencers round, square or oval. We can always find a suitable shape for your space where the silencer should come.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?

C.v.P: Current developments are those of the MENENS project of which Discom is a collaborative partner. The methanol life cycle within the shipping industry refers to the process of producing, distributing, and using methanol, while minimizing its environmental impact and ensuring sustainability. The MENENS project helps driving the adoption of methanol as a marine fuel, by improving the performance and reliability of methanol-based power and energy systems, de-risking the integration of these system into ships and demonstrating this for several relevant Use Cases.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?

C.v.P: Discom can take care of the entire piece after the engine to the hull of the ship. Here we can supply all components such as the expansion pieces in the piping, the entire suspension. And the watertight bulkhead penetrations, and if necessary 100% watertight valves.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

C.v.P: There are increasingly stringent requirements from the government Natura 2000 areas engines to be converted to stage V or customer desire. With the tightening of emissions laws and regulations, the importance of limiting harmful exhaust emissions is increasing. This applies not only to the energy and to the industrial sector, but also to commercial marine and inland shipping.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

C.v.P: In terms of market trends, there is a lot going on with regard to the diesel engine, this will change in the near future, and there is a un going process towards different kind of fuels, and different diesel electric applications.

At the moment you can see that the after-treatment systems are in full use, and this is already a big step towards the NOx zero policy. there is plenty of exploration of alternatives, such as running the engines on methanol.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?


  1. 1: Emission systems
  2. 2: 100% watertight valves shock tested by TNO.
  3. methanol oxidation catalyst.
  4. making electricity from exhaust gas heat.

E.E: What estimations do you have for the rest of 2023?

C.v.P: 2023 of now has 8 more productive working weeks in which the schedule is still full of deliveries of standard silencers and emission systems. 

In addition, we expect to sell several projects in Q4 for Q1/Q2 2024.