Dropslab offers a powerful workforce management platform designed to help manufacturing companies achieve their goals in terms of efficiency and quality. The core competence is the optimization of work processes with the Dropslab Technologies Workforce platform through error-free as well as intelligent processes and the resulting increase in efficiency by an average of 15%. This leads to a reduction of “non-value-added activities” within the operational process chain through parallelization and contextual workflows. A worker can obtain hands-free contextual guidance, documentation and remote support from experts through smart glasses or other smartphones. 

Whether it’s creating customized work instructions, efficiently managing tasks, or visualizing workflows, Dropslab’s platform provides the tools necessary to accomplish these objectives. By leveraging Dropslab, businesses can streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and drive overall success in their workforce management initiatives.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

Dropslab: The main areas of activity for Dropslab revolve around providing innovative workforce management solutions. Our company focuses on the following key areas:

Workforce Management: Dropslab offers a comprehensive platform for managing work instructions and tasks. This includes creating and customizing work instructions, task allocation, tracking progress, and facilitating communication between team members. We provide tools to streamline workflow processes and enhance efficiency.

Workflow Visualization & Process Tracking: Dropslab provides a workflow visualization application that enables businesses to visualize and understand their processes more effectively. This helps identify bottlenecks, optimize workflows, and improve overall productivity. Moreover, process steps are tracked instantly using smart sensors and IoT integration, which avoids wasting time for documentation and reporting. This means that quality assurance is provided during the value-added work.

Augmented Reality (AR) Glasses Platform: We offer an AR glasses platform that enables hands-free work and enhances productivity. Users can benefit from augmented reality navigation, remote support, and real-time access to instructions and information while working.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?

Dropslab: We help companies integrate Industry 4.0 into their processes by focusing on the aspect of human workforce management and manual tasks, which is generally neglected as everyone focuses on automation and the elimination of human labour. We make human labour more attractive and competitive by empowering the workforce with new smart technologies.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?

Dropslab: Dropslab offers a central workforce management platform that can solve a range of problems through Innovative features.  ‘Dropslab Core’, enables users to create customizable workflows and generate comprehensive task and workflow reports. ‘Dropslab Sense’ provides intuitive visual guidelines for complex workflows, accessible through smart glasses and mobile devices. Furthermore, we have a LiveChat feature that seamlessly connects field and office teams, facilitating real-time collaboration through video chat and annotation features.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

Dropslab: The market in which Dropslab operates is currently in a mature stage with significant growth potential. The adoption of digital technologies and automation in various industries, such as manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, construction, remanufacturing, and more, has paved the way for advanced workflow management solutions. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the need to optimize their operations, enhance productivity, and improve efficiency. This has created a favorable environment for the market, with organizations actively seeking innovative tools and platforms to streamline their workflows and maximize their workforce’s potential. As industry 4.0 continues to gain momentum, the market for workforce management solutions is ready for further expansion, presenting exciting opportunities for companies like Dropslab to cater to the evolving needs of businesses across diverse industries.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

Dropslab: We believe the current market trends in the workforce management industry reflect a growing adoption of automation and efficiency-enhancing technologies, the demand for mobile workforce management is on the rise, driven by the need for remote work capabilities and the advancement of mobile devices. The integration of IoT and wearables is also gaining momentum, enabling real-time data tracking and improving operational insights. The combination of predictive analytics, AI and cloud-based solutions are being used to optimize resource allocation and make data-driven decisions. Support and inclusion of disabled people through smart technology is also an important market trend in the future.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?

Dropslab: Our “Smart Tags” play a vital role in enhancing workflow optimization. At each stage, customers have the ability to individually incorporate a “Smart Tag” into their respective issues. These tags provide valuable assistance to employees through features like speech-to-text conversion, failure catalogues, image, video, audio file, and geo-information integration, barcode and QR code scanning, as well as object recognition capabilities. Users have the flexibility to customize each tag according to their specific problem, including the option to upload videos onto our platform. This process facilitates the training of an artificial intelligence system running in the background. Consequently, employees can receive enhanced support in quality control, ensuring error-free decision-making.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?

Dropslab: In 2023, our focus will be on reinforcing our product portfolio through the optimization of existing solutions, aimed at enhancing usability for our valued customers. We intend to leverage generative language models chatbots, powered by customer data, as well as implement fully automated object recognition within our workforce management platform. By forging strategic partnerships with renowned universities and cloud solution providers, we are effectively expanding our product portfolio and capturing a wider customer base.