I.W.E. Industrial Waters Evaporators is a company that designs and manufactures equipment for the evaporation of water-based solutions and bases its experience of its technicians which, since 1982, produce and install evaporators and concentrators vacuum High Energy Efficiency in many industrial sectors.
I.W.E. manufactures equipment Vacuum Evaporation using the physical principle of boiling and condensation of the vapors of the treated liquid. Through the change of state from liquid to gaseous, that in the presence of vacuum takes place at a temperature lower than the boiling temperature at atmospheric pressure, you get a considerable energy saving and efficiency of the system. By means of the vacuum evaporation it is possible to separate a non-volatile compound dissolved in a solution, so as to obtain one part deionized water and the other a final product more concentrated in the other components.
Why use the vacuum technology evaporation
With the vacuum evaporation application for the purification of industrial waste waters are obtained considerable advantages compared to the classic physical-chemical or biological treatment systems, both environmental and economic, also thanks to the recovery.
A classic goal is the reduction of disposal costs, often even more than 95%, more than that, in many cases, to obtain the recovery of raw materials and the obtained distilled water reuse.
Plants range products
I.W.E. realizes each evaporation plant studying the best possible energy solution, considering the most appropriate choice for the specific needs and the treatment of products of different nature and quantity, satisfying the following production capacities:

Electric Energy: Heat Pump
Vacuum evaporation exclusively with electrical power: treatment capacity from 5 to 4.000 l/h (120 to 100.000 l/day).
THERMAL ENERGY: H2O hot water/steam
Vacuum evaporation installations with a heat supply (hot water or steam): rom 100 to 15.000 l/h (2.400 to 360.000 l/day).
- MONO EFFECT 600 Kcal/l
- DOUBLE EFFECT 300 Kcal/l
- TRIPLE EFFECT 200 Kcal/l
To choose the most suitable plant for every single need we must consider different factors.
The nature of the product to be treated determines the choice of the version (the immersed exchanger, with jacketed exchanger, with internally scraped exchanger) as well as it is essential the selection of the most suitable constructive and resistant material.
Important then is the choice to be made by evaluating the model with the most suitable energy supply, whereas the energy costs and the availability of any of the recovery heat sources or low cost (for example from plants of COGENERATION), or recovering any waste heat, for example by recovering heat from production processes.

HEAT EXCHANGER – The exclusive type of heat exchanger used by I.W.E.
A sensitive issue in the evaporation plant, is the danger of fouling of the heat exchangers, subject to the deposit of substances with limited solubility.
The attention that I.W.E. poses in designing heat exchangers, choosing the best possible conformation, adapted to the specific characteristics of the product to be treated, it reduces the frequency and simplifies cleaning to restore the optimal operating conditions.
The traditional heat exchangers used in the evaporation installations, in immersed coil or tube bundle, have the limitation of having a very reduced space between the different exchange surfaces, not allowing easy removal of deposits.
I.W.E. has chosen the use of heat exchangers EASY TO CLEAN, realizing them in “on immersed plates” version, which allow to have considerable open spaces between the plates to restore the efficiency of heat exchange through simple washing or to carry out the possible need to disassembly and extraction in a short time.

Evaporators equipped with a rapid opening system for boiling boilers
Through a mechanism of easy opening of boiling boilers, equipped with support of the bottom, you can quickly access the heat exchangers and perform the cleaning with ease and time saving
Via Salvo d’Acquisto, 16/A 20060 Pozzuolo Martesana (MI) – ITALY
Phone: +39 02 953 58 377
Email: info@iwe-evaporators.com
Site: www.iwe-evaporators.com