Easy Engineering: How was this year in terms of turnover?
Aggreko: We cannot disclose any financial info before our year end financial results announcement but we can tell you that we were able to increase our customers portfolio and kept investments in order to drive business volumes increase in line with our strategy.
E.E: What new products / services have been launched this year?
Aggreko: We have introduced several technologies and products along 2020.
I am not going to describe them all but the major’s ones. In term of technologies, we can mention the launch of our Stage V technology enabling us to reduce again our emissions, our new alternative fuels such as B100 and HVO also reducing the CO2 emissions. We have launched our G3+ technology improving our products efficiency. We can mention some great developments in our Aggreko Remote Monitoring software enabling us to remotely maintain our equipment’s and provide customers reports on their usage. In term of products, we have our Batteries range of products we call Y Cube and our Hybrid Solar solutions combining our batteries with solar panels. We have also launched some dedicated solutions to help customers managing the Covid impact to their organizations such as our Clean Air solution.
E.E: What feedback did these product / service launches have?
Aggreko: We see a very strong interest from the market for these technologies and products as they are fully helping our customers to decarbonize their activities. To prove that, we see a very strong increase of our web visitors looking at our dedicated pages showing what we do for decarbonization. Also, our solutions to manage the Covid situation has really been very nicely welcomed has they are really helping.

E.E: What products / solutions have customers been looking for this year?
Aggreko: Of course, our customers have been looking for the products and services we have for them. What we see is an increased interest for our temperature control solutions as well as for, again, our greener approach in what we do. But the major change is the very strong interest of our customers for our Clean Air solutions and our Contingency Planning solutions helping their business continuity efforts. We also must mention that our customers have been looking for companies fully capable to maintain all the aspects of the business administrative relationships with them. Thank to our massive efforts around digitalization since the last 3 years we have been capable to digitally and remotely maintain our relations with our customers.
E.E: How has the customer profile changed lately?
Aggreko: We are welcoming many more prospects to us. We also see an increasing appetite for the digital in order to form an opinion, search for an information or get in touch with us with a 400% increase of visitors on our web site vs 2019.
E.E: Given the current context, was there a need to diversify the portfolio of services / products?
Aggreko: I you refer to the Covid we had to market our great solutions and services to help our customers manage the situation by building a comprehensive portfolio. If you think about the need to decarbonize then obviously there was a need, I would rather say a must, to introduce new technologies and products to meet our customers’ requirements to decarbonize.

E.E: What was the most important project this year?
Aggreko: First was managing internally and externally the Covid situation by ensuring we continue to work and serve our customers in a remote way if necessary. Also demonstrate how we can help ensuring our customer’s business continuity. Second was the preparation of our Net Zero strategy announcing that we will reduce by 50% our emissions as well as the quantity of diesel burned by 2030 and, by 2050, we will be Net Zero.
At a local level, speaking about Romanian business, most important project we have implemented in 2020, both from complexity point of view and installed capacity is the project in ARAD with CET where Aggreko have provided a turn key solution for 20MW Power on gas combined with 2 Y Cubes 1MW each for Gride Services/ Balancing services and 14MW of Thermal power in hot water. This project is not only the first one as such done in Romania but most likely at Global level, a solution providing the highest efficiency by usage of natural gas in providing cogeneration and Balancing Services into the GRID.
E.E: A short year-end message for collaborators.
Aggreko: Aggreko keeps the leadership position in innovating and providing the most efficient solutions to our Customers always maintaining the highest level of professionalism and expertise in supporting new market trends and requirements.