AL-Lift ApS offers, now for over 30 years, a wide unique standard range of vacuum-based lifting equipment, both for the construction sector as for the industry. The company is located in Lemvig, Denmark. AL-Lift ApS is known for quality, innovation, support, partnership and honesty – you get what you see .The company’s commitment is: “we lift you” – up to 24000 kilo.
Going from local to global, the company is now represented on all continents and still continuously expanding worldwide.
AL-Lift ApS continues to grow both physically and economically. Now AL-Lift ApS has now more than 5.500 m2 under its roof. The company has won the Gazelle Prize 4 times and latest in 2018. The Gazelle Prize is given to companies, which have doubled their turnover/gross profit within 4 years.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
AL-LIFT APS: AL-Lift ApS offers a wide unique standard range of vacuum-based lifting equipment. Both for the construction sector as for the industry sector.
Likewise, the company built up a large experience in solving special assignments for both sectors and AL-Lift ApS are still the absolute leader in the Danish market, also in these years where export worldwide are growing fast.

E.E: What’s the news for 2020 about new products?
AL-LIFT APS: News for 2020 are definitely our AL-Glassmover 450 – a glazing robot – for handling and mounting windows and also other industrial products like aluminium rails. AL-Glassmover 450 can also be equipped with a “PLATO” so you can easily mount windows and building materials in the heights when matched with a telescopic telehandler. Also our AL-Pack Mobile BAT, a battery-operated vacuum-lifter, attachable to a truck, so to “order pick” boxes and even sacks beside many other products are among the newer products together with our AL-Blazer 2000 vacuum-lifter to mount on fork-based vehicles for handling of porous concrete slaps and curbstones has really been a success in Denmark but definitely also international – many rental companies nowadays have our full product range on the construction side and more and more private operated entrepreneurs also comes through due to the easy and ergonomically handling of all kinds of materials, porous or not!
E.E: What are the ranges of traded products?
AL-LIFT APS: On the construction side our bigger vacuum lifter like the attachable to fork-based vehicles AL-Blazer 2000, and the Typhoon 1000 with lifting eye to any carrying vehicle with hook, rope, chain, wire or similar has also been popular – together with our smaller „man-operated” vacuum lifters like the AL-Manolay and AL-Mobivac. New to the market with success has as mentioned been our AL-Glassmover 450 – our glazing robot for handling windows etc. In years our mover-series has been popular, especially our AL-Flexmover which now are offered in various models.
On the industry side our before mentioned AL-Pack-Mobile BAT for easy order picking, mounted with vacuum or electric hoist, traverses with various set-up´s, cranes also made for lifting and handling also mounted on easy moveable counterweight blocks – and various lifting systems for stacker and forklifts has always been and becomes for the future among our customers interesting products produced and sold worldwide.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
AL-LIFT APS: The market for lifting and handling all sorts of materials and products are an upgrowing business as more and more regulations and rules are set up locally and globally regarding safe and secure handling – with focus on employees and their health and optimizing a safe and healthy working-environment the whole globe are potentially a interesting place to offer our ergonomically handling and lifting solutions based on vacuum.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
AL-LIFT APS: In general the Scandinavian and European market are still needing lots of solutions for handling and lifting with vacuum based solutions – both in the Construction business as well as in the Industry sector, globally markets now expands very quickly also focussed on Asia and other foreign markets – future trends goes more and more in the direction of lowering Co2 emissions and with battery operated solutions in our portfolio as well this trend and demand will grow and grow more in the coming years and we will therefore be able to handle this with our offered products.
E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
AL-LIFT APS: This is hard to say. From our point of view we can offer a full range of lifting and handling equipment, both for the Construction business and the Industry sector, based on many years engineering and development again based on the full satisfaction and trust of our customers who works with our products on a daily basis all over the world! -but if we should come up with some of our new products we definitely have experienced great interest in it must for the moment being be our AL-Glassmover 450 – a glazing robot for handling and mounting windows – this unit can even be mounted easily on a „Plato” so you can mount windows and building materials in the heights when matched with a telescopic loader

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2020?
AL-LIFT APS: We can, due to a full range of products for lifting and handling, offered both to Construction and Industry customers, soon look back at 2020 in a positive way! All exhibitions where we participate were dispatched due to Mr. & Mrs. „Virus” – but with more new products released in 2020 it will work out fine for us as the construction business are not „effected” as much as the industry sector is – perhaps due to that we offer a superb range of products that adds value to the companies! „ We lift you!”.