Bewo, now at its 86” year of operation, started its activities as an engineering company for machine tools. Around 1950 Bewo started to develop the first manual cutting machine. From beginning of the sixties Bewo has been supplying customized solutions for automatic features around the cutting of pipes and profiles. Nowadays, the company supplies the total solution for tube cutting lines. 

More information about Bewo can be found on

Easy engineering: What are the main areas of activities of your company

Bewo CS: Our cutting machines are dedicated for precision and structural tubes up to a diameter of 115 mm. Main markets are automotive, building and infrastructure, furniture and service centers or tube manufacturers. The main focus are customers that value reliable solutions which a high performance of their production.

E.E.: What is Bewo vision on the market

Bewo CS: Our customers are depending on their production lines, therefore they expect reliable solutions with a high grade of automation. Employees are difficult to maintain in the company, consequently they are less experienced. Therefor our customers find automation important and the production lines should be easy to operate.

We noticed that our customers are sometimes struggling with maintaining their equipment, the frequent change of personal and priority to other activities lead to a reduction in the performance of our machines.

This demands more than just machine building, therefore we have made a turnaround from just a machine builder to a full service provider. Our products are nowadays solutions for atomization of tube cutting including all activities that are required to maintain the line in good condition.

EE.: How do your products increase profitability for users?

Bewo CS: To ensure that our machines continue to perform well in view of the above conditions, Bewo has developed a completely new control platform. This HMI is greatly simplified, based on a workflow-oriented input, the operator is guided through the “control”. There is a separate recipe tool, which offers support in the selection of the correct machine parameters, and support for advising the correct saw blades.

Besides the PLC that controls the computer we will use a small IPC that will store all machine data and will be connected with all user interfaces.

When the customer allows it, Bewo collects anonymously the data. This allows Bewo to monitor the condition of the machine., but also by collecting all these data of different machines we will create a powerful database, that will be “knowledge centre” for all our customers to improve their systems.

Our current service packages will use these tools to work more efficiently. Either the customer can do this by themselves or they can conclude a full service package with Bewo to take over all these tasks.

We also noted that, in addition to the machine operator, there are also other key users who need information, but all of a different level and with a different form of access. The planner or team leader wants to gain insight into the status of the machine, availability in relation to the number of orders and actual machine status. Also, this person wants to access this information from their desk, or even when they are not in the company.

The new operating platform from Bewo, SISO = Smart Inside, Simply Outside makes this all possible. Personal specific information is accessible via HMI, computer, tablet or even mobile phone!

EE.: When this will be available for the market

Bewo CS: The first prototype of this system will be shown live on the Tube exhibition in Düsseldorf from 20th until 24thof June. We expect that starting from beginning of 2023 our cutting machines will be equipped with this new control platform.

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