C-Cell’s industry use has grown rapidly since 2000 and there are now instruments installed across the globe in most leading food businesses.

Calibre (C-Cells manufacturer) are UK based and support instruments globally, however in certain countries we have appointed highly knowledgeable distributors to help assist us.

C-Cell is a corporate member of AACCI the International organisation for Cereal Chemistry. The company is now recognised globally as an accurate method for quantifying quality in bakery products.

Interview with Madian Abu-hardan, Global Product Manager at C-Cell.

Easy Engineering: How was 2022 for your business, a short summary?

Madian Abu-hardan: 2022 has been a great year for us and we installed more units in the latter end of the year from the UK and via our global distribution network. Our technology is sold across the globe and used by various sectors, helping our clients to better in control and improve quality, saving them time, reducing waste, reducing customer complaints and making them money.

E.E: What new products/services will be launched this year?

M.A.h: We will be launching the latest version of C-Cell software in 2023. This will include a complete redesign of software with added functionality. The new software will enable users to connect to multiple sites which will allow for centralizing data acquisition, quality control and problem solving.

E.E: How did the market change in the last year?

M.A.h: Although the C-Cell was designed primarily for the food industry, we have seen an encouraging interest from non-food such as sponges and foams. The C-Cell can provide detailed analysis of the internal structure such as number and size of cells, volume of cells, nonuniformity, bubble wall thickness, number and size of holes, and many other that could be linked to structure, absorbency and flow. 

E.E: What were the best-selling products of 2022?

M.A.h: Our best selling product of 2022 was the C-Cell Colour System. C-Cell Colour is the advanced model and comes with different specifications which are:

Colour Standard (with Score module)

  1. Standard 48 parameters 
    1. Crust analysis
      1. Crust thickness and colour 
      1. Crumb colour
    1. Scoring module

Colour Advanced (with Bread Score and inclusion analysis)

  • Standard 48 parameters 
    • Crust analysis
      • Crust thickness and colour 
      • Crumb colour
    • Bread Scoring module 
    • Inclusion module

Colour High Resolution

  • Standard 48 parameters

E.E: What sector of business do you think is expected to grow this year?

M.A.h: Quality control and quality improvement has been ever a hot topic and being able to accurately analyse open structures has always been a main focus. The food sector has been and will remain a major focus for us to maintain growth. However, expanding into the non-food applications is seen as a significant opportunity which will require a focused market research as well as creating collaborations to highlight the benefits of the C-Cell in relevant non-food applications. Accuracy, speed, ease of use, reducing waste, and value for money are qualities that will continue being the core of what the C-Cell will provide similar to what is already established in the food sector.  

We will be happy to discuss any ideas for new projects or collaborations from manufacturers and research institutions both from the food and non-food sectors. 

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?

M.A.h: 2022 has been a great year for us and we expect to continue growing into 2023 and beyond. Our target will focus on doubling the number of instruments sold and to steadily increase sales into the non-food applications. 

E.E: A short message for collaborators for the beginning of the year.

M.A.h: Some of the innovative solutions offered in the market are flatbed scanners and off-the-shelf imaging software to develop bespoke in-house systems. However, these are very much one-off, and results cannot be duplicated in another system. Other imaging systems can only measure external characteristics of a product or object and not the internal structure. The C-Cell is a robust, easy to use technique that can be operated in various environments such as production facilities, R&D centres, labs,…etc., and is the only system that can produce detailed results about the internal and external structure of an aerated or open structure object.

Our strategy at Calibre Control is to continue promoting our solution via website articles, exhibitions & conferences to food and non-food industries, and engage with companies to ensure the best use of the technology.

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