Depureco has been keeping the production lines clean in companies across the world for over thirty years. Its industrial vacuums are designed to recover processing waste, dust, liquids, etc. complying with European and International safety standards. The company’s professional vacuums can be applied directly to the production lines to remove processing residuals of chemical-pharmaceutical, textile, and engineering industries.

Technology, research, customer-focus: Depureco’s mission is based on these three keywords. The aim of the company is to improve the quality of a company’s environment, designing industrial vacuum systems capable of recovering any production waste. Excellence oriented, Depureco provides unique technological solutions, works by respecting people and aims at providing timely service to its clients and partners.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

DEPURECO: The main areas of activity are:

  • Food Industry;
  • Paper industry;
  • Cement works and construction industry;
  • Chemical-pharmaceutical;
  • Steelworks and Foundries;
  • Cleaning contractors;
  • Wood;
  • Metalworking;
  • OEM Original Equipment;
  • Manufacturers;
  • Sand blasting;
  • TextilePlastics.

E.E: What’s the news for 2021 about new products?

DEPURECO: In 2020\2021 we extended our range of products with many innovative products.

DV-AIR AIR FLOW – Created for centralized ventilation systems to extract suspended dust. This machine belongs to the Depureco’s Compact Extractor Family.

DV-AIR WB – It’s a high surface filter created for stationary systems. This machine belongs to the Depureco’s Stationary System Family.

XM TORCH 20 – Is a torch extractor for welding fumes. This machine belongs to the Depureco’s Welding Fumes Family.

DF 075 – Created to extract suspended dust. This machine belongs to the Depureco’s Compact Extractor Family.

E.E: What are the ranges of traded products?

DEPURECO: Our range of products is composed by 120 products – 11 families:

  • Singlephase;
  • Threephase;
  • Heavy Threephase;
  • Compressed Air;
  • Oil & Swarf;
  • Compact Extractor;
  • Welding Fumes;
  • Food, Pharma & Oem;
  • Atex;
  • Stationary Sistem;
  • Professional.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

DEPURECO: Our market is developing constantly, and the demand for our quality products is increasing.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

DEPURECO: Works safely in additive manufacturing with DEPURECO industrial vacuum cleaners. Additive manufacturing has revolutionized the field of prototyping.

In the last years, in the field of research and development, there has been an exponential increase in the use of 3D printers with additive technology. Where before there was a need to create a mould for the realization of prototypes and models, now a printer with laser technology builds the object level after level, using powders of various kinds.

The technology of “Powder bed fusion”

The processing consist of a first level of deposit of metal or plastic powder in the working room (powder bed); then the powder is heated and melted grain by grain to create solid material that will then compose the object.

When the printer finishes scanning and melting the dust of the level, the worktop will be lowered to allow the deposit of a new level of dust in the same amount as the previous one.

This step-by-step procedure will be carried out until the complete realization of the artifact.

Where DEPURECO Industrial vacuum cleaners intervene

It is therefore clear that at the end of the process the working chamber will be full of residual dust that will have to be removed after each cycle to avoid:

  • Cross contamination between different production cycles, resulting in loss of product quality and integrity;
  • Hazards to the health of employees, fine dust can be inhaled with consequent health problems while metallic dust could damage the skin;
  • Risk of explosion, where the processing is carried out with conductive metallic or plastic powders, the latter must be treated after aspiration;
  • The creation of a dirty environment, keeping the working area clean and healthy;

A good industrial vacuum cleaner also allows the recovery and reuse of the dust. Depending on the printer, up to 70% of the remaining dust from the previous cycle can be used. It is also essential for accurate final cleaning of the printer.

Kind of powders

In order to choose the right vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to analyse the powders used during the process. The values to be taken in consideration are the following:

  • Morphology;
  • Density;
  • Composition;
  • Smoothness;
  • Thermal properties;
  • Combustibility;
  • Conductivity.

The values of conductivity and combustibility are the most important in the choice of the type of aspirator.

In the case of non-conductive combustible dust, the ideal vacuum cleaner will be equipped with antistatic filter, earth grounding and brushless motor, certified ATEX zone 22 for cleaning in total safety. With combustible and conductive powders DEPURECO has instead designed a special version with inertizing bath inside the container.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?

DEPURECO: The most innovative product is BL 50 ATEX Z22 Certified Compact Single-Phase Industrial Vacuum Cleaner.

Compact, easy to handle and extremely versatile. The new BL 50 is the perfect vacuum cleaner for dust applications in those areas where ATEX22 certified equipment is required.

The new single-phase Brushless head guarantees high suction performance even in continuous applications in ATEX 22 zones. AISI304 stainless steel container, grounding and antistatic polyester filter are standard, providing maximum safety when vacuuming. The DEPURECO’S STANDARD use of Class M filter bags adds an additional level of protection for the operator and makes disposal of the collected dust easy.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2021?

DEPURECO: The estimations of 2020, at the end of the previous year, were very positive. In fact, the first months of the year confirmed this for DEPURECO and in general for the sector.

Covid-19 effected the markets seriously, and changed many plans. Thanks to our 50 years experiences and strong Partners around the world we absorbed well the situation. Now is time to build again and the market is answering well.

Depureco’s 2021 goals are Sustainability and resource-safety management which remain a long-term challenge. We are increasingly aware of the importance of a credible contribution in the form of effective CO2 management by our vacuum range.

One tree planted every vacuum sold #everybreathcount.

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