eCarUp is a flexible platform to easily monitor, rent, intelligently control and bill EV charging stations in private and semi-private (and some instances public) use cases. Stations owners can easily add stations to their account and always define who, when and at what price charging is possible (for them or other users). Billing is done automatically via a credit card and causes no administrative work.

The company aims to keep eCarUp user friendly and intuitive in order that it is easy for customers to operate charging stations without having specific prior knowledge. Drivers should be able to easily find, activate and pay for electricity.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

eCarUp: eCarUp focusess on a B2B business model and operates as a technology provider. That means we develop, enhance and maintain the platform while the specific project management (installation, setup, configuration) of the charging stations is done via our growing network of partners.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?

eCarUp: E-mobilty is a very dynamic market and we are always busy extending and improving the functionality of the platform (web login and apps).

In addition, we will be releasing the Pico Charging Station together with our mother company smart-me. With that addition, we will be able to provide intelligent metering solutions for whole buildings. This simplifies not only the billing of the energy, but also allows a comprehensive load management including renewable energies and the optimization of them. 

With Pico, we will also maintain our focus on open interfaces. With this, the data can be read out of our system and be processed in any third party system. This may be a real estate software, the billing system of a utility or a smart-home application.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?

eCarUp: eCarUp is mainly a software solution. Our main target are private and semi-private use cases, since most of the charging will be done there. The software includes management, controlling, billing, reporting and maintenance of charging stations.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

eCarUp: E-Mobility is growing at significantly different speeds in Europe. Our main activity area at the moment is Switzerland. Here we are now in the scale-up phase. The sale of cars with a battery is rising fast and it remains to be seen if the building of available charging stations can keep up with all the new cars.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

eCarUp: The charging of e-cars is still a very young industry and there have to be a lot of improvements in order to make charging as easy as possible and therefore provide easy-to-understand solutions for the mass market. Accordingly, a lot of new concepts and technologies are being tested. We believe that the most intelligent charging should happen at home or at the workplace. The cars are there for a long time and it is also where the renewables like solar are being produced. If we can directly use that energy to charge (and maybe in the future discharge) our cars – this is not only environmentally friendly, but also economically efficient.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?

eCarUp: Hard to say, at the moment there are a multitude of solutions out there and it remains to be seen, which ones will be called the most innovative. One thing is for sure: The charging of any e-car has to become easier for the driver. At home but specifically in public space.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2022?

eCarUp: We are expecting a boom year – the number of new e-cars will rise significantly and the charging solutions need to grow with it. The main challenge its keeping up with demand and the ever growing competition that a boom market brings with it.