Falcor offers solutions to compact waste and to optimize management and collection processes. The company operates throughout Italy as exclusive distributor of the following european manufacturers of machines for compacting waste: Bramidan A/S, Presto Gmbh, Runi A/S and Agu Direkt Gmbh.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
FALCOR: The company is organized in 5 divisions:
Balers and compactors of waste: This division is made up of salesmen and technicians who guide the customer in choosing the most suitable press.
Plant design: We design customized systems for specific needs. After a careful analysis of the customer’s needs, We design effective and performing solutions that optimize the entire process of compaction and packaging of waste such as paper cardboard, plastic containers for liquids, polystyrene and wet waste.
Service Division: Thanks to our maintenance team and our fleet of mobile workshops we can guarantee the customer an efficient after-sales service. We offer to our customers a scheduled maintenance plan, based on the type of press purchased and the intensity of use. On a scheduled basis, our authorized Bramidan, Presto, Runi or Agu technicians will carry out periodic check-ups and replacements of worn parts, to keep the machine in excellent working order for a long time.

Polystyrene recycling: In addition to the sale of compactors for polystyrene, as an authorized Waste Broker, Falcor can purchase the compacted polystyrene directly from the company and sell it to the plant that offers the best market conditions at that time. In this way the polystyrene can be recycled.
SACLO’: Saclò is our own brand of products based on the continuous bag system. The continuous bag is a special a tubular bag long up to 110 meters that just needs to be unrolled, closed and cut every time the operator has to throw away the garbage. We offer many kinds of bins and cabinet and we have the refills available in 6 different colors and in the biodegradable version. The continuous bag offers many advantages: it is hygienic, there is not contact with the waste; it is efficient: 50% time to change the bag; it is practical, the bag change is very easy; it is ecological up to 70% of plastic saved and it is 5 times larger than traditional bags. This is the dedicated website www.saclo.it
E.E: What’s the news about new products?
FALCOR: In order to respond promptly to customer needs, we have tried to offer the widest possible range of products by establishing partnerships with the best European manufacturers of waste balers and compactors.
We have also created the new brand “Saclò” which includes a line of bins for the waste collection with the continuous bag system.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?
FALCOR: The range of compaction products we deal with is very wide. We offer small balers suitable for shops or small companies up to large plants for large quantities of waste.
We have the right compactor for almost any type of waste and quantity.
And with our Saclò line we can offer a large range of bins and cabinet for waste sorting.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
FALCOR: The waste, thanks to the Circular Economy, is considered a resource that have to be recovered and reused for new productions. So, in recent years the waste compaction market is growing and for sure is a competitive market in which Falcor has been able to enter with excellent results in just four years from its foundation.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
FALCOR: We think that the introduction of strict regulatory policies and the increase in waste disposal tariffs should support the growth of the market also in 2022.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
FALCOR: Falcor strongly believes in technological innovation, to guarantee its customers full control of waste and a quick and efficient technical assistance service. This is why we recommend to all our customers to install modem and data sim on the compactor to use the Bra-In system. The “Bra-In” system, developed by our partner Bramidan, allows the customer to optimize all procedures related to waste management, monitoring the operating status, geographical position and above all the productivity of bales of pressed waste for each press, thanks to a connected modem and an installed data sim on the baler.
Balers and compactors, equipped with modem and data sim, also meet the requirements of Industry 4.0.
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2022?
FALCOR: We have a positive feeling. In 2022 we will move to the new headquarters and we think we can continue the positive trend of these years.