Gabadi is an international company thanks to the bet on innovation and development during its growth.
The objective of the company has been to obtain a lead position within naval sector.
The skills that make the difference between us and other companies is to bet on R+D+i projects and our growing international presence.
The principal business lines from Gabadi are the following:
- Naval accommodation in industries like military, civil and offshore
- LNG storage and transport in carriers, one of the most demanding and leading innovation areas
- Offshore industry accommodation
Interview with Laura Fernández Freire, Head of Engineering and R+D+i Department at Gabadi.
Easy Engineering: How important is innovation and R&D for actual and future products?
Laura Fernández Freire: Gabadi’s vision is that a company that does not believe in innovation and development, will not survive the new century.

That’s why Gabadi is in a process of continuous innovation and development in different areas.
Our commitment on the LNG business was a great leap for our company, and a boost to continue growing and improving.
E.E: What are the needs of the users on the markets that you are active?
L.F.F: The main needs of users in our sector are the following:
- Reduction of weight in ships, which means savings in fuel and therefore emissions, or being able to navigate at a higher speed.
- Research and development of new technologies for the efficient storage of LNG.
- Innovation and development of technology for the transport of LH2 with the objective of implementing it in ships for its transport or use as fuel.
E.E: What products/solutions does your company bring that are the most innovative?
L.F.F: We have different innovative products depending on the business area:
We have the patent for modules with maritime containers for offshore platforms, performing the turnkey project: engineering, development, manufacturing and installation onboard. These modules represent a fast and efficient way to provide housing solutions on offshore platforms.

Focusing on naval accommodation, we develop our own certified products, and also furniture for different projects: military, civil and offshore.
We give to the customer different solutions with the best thermal and acoustic properties but trying to reduce weight in the ship.
We have been involved in different projects with innovation challenges successfully achieved, such as the construction of submarines for the navy.
In this line, we carry out a research project to search for new, more sustainable and lightweight materials, and with better properties for use in the naval industry.
We have been involved in the manufacturing of mockups for the development of tests and new storage systems for liquefied natural gas, and storage of other gases, always in the construction phase. Our point of view in these projects is very important, because we are in charge of the construction of the mockups and we have to solve all the problems that can appear.
We are the first company non-shipyard approval from GTT to install and repair membrane tanks for storage and transport of LNG. We have carried out the construction of 7 container ships LNG tanks in China, to use as propulsion.
Our latest research project is about the development of an LH2 storage system for carriers, in which we will participate for the next few years.

E.E: What are the challenges that users encounter in their line of work?
L.F.F: The main challenge is to face the difficulties and unknown problems that are presented to us, and know how to adapt our knowledge and experience to find the best solution. Several times we have to solve problems that never happened, using our knowledge and experience in another projects, trying to get the best solution in a quick way.
For this, it is very important to have a database with lessons learned in all the projects we carry out.
Nowadays, we have to work hand in hand with sustainability and look for it in all areas of work. This is a big challenge for everyone.
E.E: How does innovation help them in these situations?
L.F.F: Innovation helps us to differentiate ourselves from our competitors, and provide a different solution to our customers.
E.E: How is digitalization changing your field of activity?
L.F.F: For us digitization is essential.
Working with such a large quantity of people spread across different parts of the world, we need digitization to be able to communicate and work as a team on each project we have to execute.
In addition, our own manufacturing workshop has digitization integrated with our technical office, in order to optimize production and reduce our working times and costs.

E.E: What tasks/processes can users do easier and more efficient with your products/solutions because of innovation?
L.F.F: Thanks to the containers accommodation modules for the offshore industry, we offer a very fast solution with capacity for a multitude of people working simultaneously on a platform, and with the necessary comfort.
This would save preparation times for these people, enables the simultaneous work of different companies, and reduces transportation times to the platform.
Our fitting-out solutions, which include engineering from the first step, provide solutions to all the particularities of our clients, such as the reduced spaces in a submarine, or the high finishing requirements of a luxury cruise ship.
E.E: Tell us some tips & tricks about prevention / maintenance for your products/solutions?
L.F.F: The most important thing is a good execution during manufacturing, and then carry out preventive maintenance with qualified personnel who know the product.
Once installed, the client or user will be provided with a guide with recommendations and good practices for the maintenance of the products.
In some cases, it is impossible to avoid having to carry out repair works, so it is also necessary to have the appropriate personnel to carry out the repairs, causing the least harm to the user.