GEDA, one of the leading manufacturers of hoists for the industry and the construction sector, is seeing continuous growth and applies the highest quality standards in its manufacturing processes. The company offers their customers a complete range of products and services from the initial idea and design engineering to manufacturing and worldwide customer service.
The name GEDA has been synonymous with competence and unparalleled quality “made in Germany” for over ninety years. Today it is difficult to find a construction site that does use one of the hoists from the extensive range offered by the Bavarian height access specialist. This does not come as a surprise, as GEDA offers the right construction or industrial hoist for virtually any application and situation.
Always with an eye on the market, GEDA offer a perfectly adapted hoist solution for virtually any challenge and any situation that requires safe and fast upwards transport.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
GEDA: The company offers products for a broad range of applications. GEDA hoist solutions are used at a variety of different construction sites worldwide. With their flexibility and versatility, GEDA product solutions can overcome virtually any challenge at a construction site while ensuring efficient and comfortable work processes.
The industry is another segment. Using state-of-the-art engineering, GEDA industrial hoists are designed and manufactured specifically for the needs of a wide range of industrial sectors. Despite the sometimes rough conditions, the hoist solutions ensure the efficient and safe transport of persons and materials.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?
GEDA: Our new products are traditionally presented at the bauma exhibition. Our largest and probably most important exhibition will take place again in October 2022. GEDA is looking forward to presenting the highlights and new products at bauma 2022 to all visitors and interested parties.
E.E: What are the ranges of products?
GEDA: Since the company’s early days with the GEDA Lift, the famous inclined rope hoist with sales now numbering over 90,000 units, a product range has been developed over the last few decades which is unique across the world – from compact wire rope hoists for workmen, such as the well-known roofer lift, to transport platforms and personnel and material hoists with load capacities up to 3.7 tonnes and lifting heights up to 400 metres.
We offer hoist solutions which can be perfectly adapted to any application and meet virtually any building site challenge requiring safety and fast vertical transport. Daily work routines at construction sites often present their own challenges for the technology used on site. Thanks to the robust characteristics of GEDA construction hoists, any challenge can be overcome with ease.

Where the construction site requires closed car solutions, personnel and material hoists from the GEDA Multilift, GEDA PH or GEDA BL series are the ideal helpers. Sustainability and the transport height are the key parameters for choosing the right hoist. These powerhouses have been specially designed for substantial loads and can serve significant lifting heights (Multilift series: up to 200 meters; PH-series: up to 400 meters). The GEDA portfolio is complemented by special-purpose products such as the construction hoist for crane operators, mast climbing work platforms and suspended work platforms.
GEDA industrial hoists also guarantee the smooth, efficient and safe transport of people and materials wherever required. Even in the toughest conditions, GEDA solutions convince customers with their unique quality. The versatile applications for GEDA industrial hoists range from cement works, asphalt mixing plants, chemical plants, cooling towers and silos to offshore plants and explosion-protected areas. Whatever your demands for an industrial hoist – be it a closed car, a base enclosure shut on all sides, control of all loading and unloading points or the car and ground station – every GEDA industrial hoist, whether it is a transport platform or person and material hoist, can be perfectly adapted to any condition on site. The GEDA industrial hoist range includes material hoists and transport platforms as well as enclosed person and material hoists and the SH series hoists.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
GEDA: The coronavirus pandemic is an unprecedented challenge for all of us, and its impact on society and the economy is still unclear. Naturally, this also affects our market. As an internationally active manufacturer of construction and industrial hoists, we were able to achieve very good sales despite the crisis, and the order intake is also satisfactory. Forward-looking business decisions allowed us to maintain our delivery capability throughout. We benefit from our strong roots in the German market in combination with a high level of vertical integration, which makes GEDA independent of other companies. Once again, “made in Germany” has really paid off. We have so far been able to ensure supply to the European markets and we hope that sales to other markets will also become a little easier. Of course, we have problems with the rising material prices – just like other companies. With certain suppliers – electronic components for example, but also aluminium – we have to accept higher prices, which poses a challenge for us.

Johann Sailer, CEO
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2022?
GEDA: We expect a good level of turnover in 2022. Our forecast is an increase in turnover, but restrictions due to COVID-19 have to be expected. We will counteract this with the required digitalisation and continue to “gain speed” in this area. One highlight of the coming year will be the start of construction for our new administration building. This was also done with the future in mind and an urgently needed expansion of the production facility will become possible. GEDA generally has a very positive outlook for 2022. We are convinced that the leading trade fairs remain a key factor for us and that we as a medium-sized company benefit from the worldwide visitors at the large exhibitions. The preparations for bauma 2022 are in full swing – it is probably the most important trade fair of the year for us. We will be presenting some new products, while digitalisation will also play a major role.