GF Gordini is an Italian company which manufactures attachments for compact construction machines. GF Gordini was established in 1985 and now can count a range of more than 30 different types of attachments for different construction machines. GF projects and produces all attachments following strict quality standards; and this allow GF to be recognised as an high quality manufacturer in local and in global market.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
GF Gordini: GF Gordini operates in different areas, according to which we can catalogue the products offered:
- Road line: all attachments needed for road maintenance and roadworks. PLANERS and WHEEL EXCAVATORS for asphalt and concrete; SWEEPERS for use on roads, yards, inner and outer surfaces.
- Building line: various Job site attachments: GRADERS for ground leveling and preparation; MIXER BUCKETS for cement preparation; BACKHOES and HAMMERS suitable for skid steer loaders for digging and demolition jobs.
- Snow line: all attachments for winter maintenance and for snow removal from roads, yards, parkings, etc.: SNOW BLADES, SNOW V-BLADES, SNOW BLOWERS.
- Green line: all attachments for green maintenance and for agricultural purposes: AUGERS for post hole digging; MULCHING HEADS for green maintenance and shrub cutting; PLIERS for timber, scrap, paper and rubble.
E.E: What’s the news for 2021 about new products?
GF Gordini: In 2021 we’ll be concentrated into improve our production capacity and our supply chain. We have a very huge range of products and for 2021 we have no intention to present any new product. We’ll surely work on new options on already existing products, we’ll work to improve the quality and the productivity of the already existing range of products.
Probably we’ll come back to present new products on 2022, with the comeback of trade fairs and exhibitions, when visitors and customers can see the news.
E.E: What are the ranges of products?
GF Gordini: As explained before we produce attachments to be used with compact construction machines. We have a complete range of products which can help private companies or public organisations to carry our various jobs without a big man effort and without a big economic expense.
The development of compact construction machines (as skid steer loaders, backhoe loaders or excavators) represents a big help for various contractors because the machines are nowadays considered as tool holders, so is possible to use a single machine for many purposes, just replacing the attachment. And this allows to reduce sensibly the costs.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
GF Gordini: GF created during all its experience a strong dealer network in all 5 continents of the World and in more than 50 countries.
Actually, the construction equipment market is living a time of profound change. According to what we can see, as mentioned above, we are passing from the use of specific machines, very expensive and difficult to manage, to the use of multipurpose machines with the aid of equipment and attachments that can make it possible to carry out specialised tasks.
This means that the specialist accessories market is growing and represents a market potentially with a lot of room for growth in the coming years.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
GF Gordini: As described above, we believe that the market for equipment that can facilitate the work of specialised operators is a rapidly growing sector. And we believe that it can represent a rapidly growing sector even in the years to come as it allows to “transform” a construction machine into a specific machine for various uses (milling, street cleaning, winter maintenance, green maintenance etc.).
We are present in many markets worldwide. Obviously, some markets are more developed in the use and consumption of specialised equipment for earthmoving, we therefore believe that in the next 3-5 years great opportunities will open up in those markets where the culture of the multi-tool machine and the culture of specialist equipment are still has not yet fully taken hold.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
GF Gordini: The purpose of our equipment is to simplify the work of the operators, to economise it and to reduce the times.
Obviously, the needs of the market and of specialised operators evolve over the years and with the evolution of technology.
For this reason a product that is having a great demand is the wheel trencher, needed to dig trenches in the asphalt, for the laying of optical fibres and other laying pipes of various types.
Optical fibre is developing rapidly in many Countries and the demand for this specific accessory is very high.
Another product that, in our opinion, will have a growing demand is the grader. The levelling grader can be implemented with an automatic 2D or 3D laser system, which allows the operator to create straight or inclined planes, or particular projects, without great effort and in a completely automatic way.
The various companies in the sector have been receiving many incentives in recent years from the various National Governments to increase the use of this type of technology.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2021?
GF Gordini: Our company is involved in a deep renewal process, aimed at significantly increasing the number of attachments produced within 3-5 years.
That process started a couple of years ago and due to Covid-19 pandemic 2020 wasn’t good as we expected, even if we finished the year with a small increase respect 2019 in terms of turnover and numbers of attachments produced.
Last 2020 quarter was quite encouraging, as this start of 2021 seems to be.
We hope that there will be no serious repercussions in this new year in the earthmoving or construction industry, and we remain confident that we could have a pretty good year.
Obviously we have to deal with the great restrictions in terms of travel and we will have to find some alternative solution to meet or retain our partners, dealers and importers from all over the World, but we hope that over time and with new precautions, we will be able to carry out our I work in the best way.