K&S Advanced Systems LTD developed unique systems and innovative approach in Active Vibration Control for precision tools and instruments, which operating in very high resolution levels. Such solutions required in Semiconductors manufacturing process, metrology, inspection, electronic microscopy, medical equipment and automotive.
K&S Advanced Systems is reshaping the vibration isolation landscape by providing a unique design and patented MVIS (Multi-layer Vibration Isolation Structure) architecture.
Vibration is a critical concern in Semiconductors Fab and Laboratories design, because many tools have strict environmental requirements for satisfactory performance that place limits on vibrations. Their products are designed to work with high-resolution tools across industries. K&S systems brings unique capabilities in Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Each hour of downtime for a critical unit of process equipment translates into $1B of annually lost revenue.
Currently, most semiconductor capital equipment suffers at least 8% unscheduled downtime, and lose another 7% to scheduled maintenance. In a typical Semiconductor FAB, just reducing downtime by 1% on a company’s 50 most critical tools can result in revenue opportunities and cost savings nearing $100,000 Million annually.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
K&S Advanced Systems: The main areas for our products are in Semiconductors manufacturing process, Metrology, Inspection, Electronic Microscopy, Medical Equipment and Automotive.
All these, require specific environmental conditions. Most critical are unwanted environmental vibrations.
Vibrations are type of “devil”. Most of precision and analytical tools “suffering” from unwanted vibrations. The manufacturers of such instruments, clearly define for their potential users certain requirements for environmental conditions, which includes Vibrations Level, Acoustic Noise level and EMI.

The users, performing site survey prior the installation process and found that the site conditions are out of spec, require to provide the solution in area which out of their expertise.
Resolving vibrations problems extremely difficult and complicated process.
Decades ago, the people tried to solve such problems by massive constructions, building special concrete “quite islands”. This is old and very expensive method. K&S systems brings 21st age Hi Tech capabilities to solve this in elegant and cost effective ways. Our products are electromechanical devices, which includes mechanical components, electronics and software, embedded state of the art algorithms.
E.E: What’s the news about new products?
K&S Advanced Systems: Manufacturing process become smarter. We all hearing about Smart Manufacturing, 4th generation of Industrial Revolution. Our new systems supporting in such. With addition of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligent and IOT capabilities, our products providing End to End monitoring and control for unwanted environmental vibrations. From continues monitoring of vibrations on a floor through active vibration isolation procedure till real monitoring the vibrations on machine level.
E.E: What are the ranges of products?
K&S Advanced Systems: Our products providing vibration control solutions staring from small Table Top devices and up to very heavy and big machines. Practically with no limits for tool/device/machine size and weight.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
K&S Advanced Systems: The main market for our products is Semiconductor.
These days, we all hear and experience the shortage in Semiconductor chips.
Try to buy a new car, new TV, new computer, etc… We will find long lead time. This phenomenon is actually natural. Let’s look around…
Our washing machines, refrigerators, cars… 15 years ago the only electronic device in our car was radio tape or radio disk… Today – each car equipped with smart car processor, tens of different sensor, multimedia center, etc. Even washing machine having smart display and smart functions. Electronic cars, Autonomic Vehicles – All these and many others appliances, increase the demand in Semiconductor devices.
Growing demand in electronic device, brings growing in electronic chips, which carry building of new FABs (Semiconductor Manufacturing Facilities). These require vibrations control, so the demand for our systems significantly growing from year to year.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
K&S Advanced Systems: The markets, where K&S is operating, continuously growing. Semiconductor markets growing in more than 10% from year to year. Also, every device, we all use become more compact and smarter. This requires precision manufacturing process. Precision level – require vibrations control.
E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
K&S Advanced Systems: The most innovative direction for us is Smart Manufacturing capabilities. This requires from K&S to integrate special capabilities in our electronics, software and global control for our systems. Smart Manufacturing Utility, which we lately released for Semiconductor FABs able to serve unlimited number of different Semiconductor machines simultaneously, providing IOT and Smart manufacturing service for FAB control center.
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2022?
K&S Advanced Systems: Semiconductor industry moving from 7nm to 5nm and even 3nm junction node process. This is a challenge for manufacturing plant, machine manufacturers and of course for us as well. The systems become smarter and the solutions should be more creative. In my opinion coming years will brings more technological challenges and innovation in Semiconductor, Medical, Automotive, Inspection markets segment. Building new manufacturing facilities and capabilities, driven by Governments will bring growing for all these industries and establish new Era in Technological level.