MAGNOVENT France is a company dedicated to offer comfort and energy saving solutions for all the buildings: industrials – logistics – public spaces and domestic. Sister company of MAGNOVENT Spain which is the first company in Europe who introduced in 2008 the HVLS (high volume low speed) fans EC motors solutions. 

Back in 2008, they were the first company to offer HVLS fans in continental Europe as the most efficient air management solution for commercial and industrial buildings. Since in the immediately following years, companies were looking for ways to reduce their energy consumption in air conditioning and their environmental footprint, we kept growing year on year thanks to reputed international companies.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

MAGNOVENT is a designer, manufacturer with is own brand ANEMOI of HVLS fans solutions.  But MAGNOVENT is not only a manufacturer because they offer to their customers turnkey projects all over france and through Europe by their representative network. 

They always have the same approach including: study on site – technical drawings and simulations of the air movement – installation of the solutions and maintenance program. 

So, they are at the side of their customers during all the process and it’s a main point for them. 

E.E: What’s the news about new products?

To complete the MAGNOVENT range, they launch for this winter a new solar collector. The goal is to offer to the industrial, commercial buildings a way to reduce their consumptions of energy regarding the heating of the building. To do this fantastic saving MAGNOVENT only use the sun energy by preheat the outside air before pulsing this air inside the roof top systems or directly in the building. It’s an additional way to heat buildings by the energy of the sun.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?

The main range of solutions of the company is the HVLS fans; The High Volume Low Speed Fans permit to save energy in winter up to 40% by the reverse mode “destratification” effect of the fans and to improve the comfort in summer by the creation of a nice air movement which permit to reduce by 4°C the relative temperature. 

In combination with the HVAC system the MAGNOVENT solution permit to save around 25% on the amount of the consumption of the HVAC systems. 

To complete their range of solutions MAGNOVENT also propose a specific thermal paint, to reflect around 95% of the solar rays. This application on the roofs of the buildings permit to reduce the consumption of the HVAC systems for the public spaces and to improve the comfort of the employees on the logistic centers or in the industrial plants. 

This thermal paint, which come from the Japan Aerospatiale, is a perfect combination with the fans to offer a full solution in summertime. 

For MAGNOVENT a good solution is a solution which offer a large benefit to the customer with a minimum of expenses during the time living of the product. 

That’s why they are very focus on solutions with low maintenance cost and easy process of installation. 

Their engineering department is very focus on this point and we always trying to find the right balance on it. 

Most of their products are engineering and manufacturing in Europe to permit to have a short answer in case of emergency. 

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

Even if the solutions of HVLS fans are existing since a long time ago, we notice that people rediscover these solutions since 3 or 2 years. 

So, the market is a growth market. 

In fact, the Pandemic period and the warm summer we have in France for 3 years are permitting to the market to grow up each year by each year. 

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

In France, due to the fact that the energy costs are more and more expensive the people are focus on the energy saving solutions. It’s also pushing by the subsidies program launched by the ADEME organization. 

Our solutions and especially our HVLS fans products are a part of the program so customers can have subsidies if the invest of that kind of solutions to save energy in winter. 

But moreover, than only a financial point, we are now at a point that we need to face against hard climate changings and invest on easy, smart, and low consumption solutions as the fans are, is the best way to assure a better future for the next generation. 

In France, the programs of new construction based on new standards are including the small fans inside the offices and classrooms instead to only provide the air conditioning system, that’s mean mentality are changing. 

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?

Based on the new requirement MAGNOVENT has developed since now 5 years a range of small fan called CEFIRO – AIRLUX dedicated to offices and schools’ markets. These solutions with them with EC motors which offer low consumption and super quiet result, including LED light and remote control or central of control are perfect to answer to the new need of the new construction trends.  

E.E: What estimations do you have for the rest of 2023?

Our estimations for the rest of 2023 are quite optimistic even if we know that’s the situation of the industries is in a delicate balance due to the pandemic period and the economic crisis. 

But we hope that’s the new construction programs launched on the public buildings and the strong commitments took by the French government at the European board in terms of reduction of the CO2 emissions will help the market to grow up. 

So, we still optimistic for the end of this year and ready for the next year.