Mercan is established in 1988 by two mechanical engineers. At the very beginning years, the company completed the production of some turnkey plants, mobile equipment and different kind of automated production lines. Meanwhile, additionally to these projects, started to be the supplier for few manufacturers of commercial vehicles in automotive industry at early 90s. From mid of 90s, the company designed, updated and produced modernized leather processing machines with its brand. Sold over 1500 machines worldwide approximately in ten years. Mercan stopped the production of these leather processing machines early 2000s. Mercan is not active in this field anymore.
In 2004, it became the supplier for Schneider Electric in power industry and Hidromek for construction and agricultural equipment industry. Construction machinery became a critical path to follow. After reaching the success, Mercan aimed to get better in these fields. Steps to the global adventure began at early 2010s. Mercan is firstly selected as a global supplier of Schneider Electric in 2010. The company met JCB in 2011 and Caterpillar in 2012. The business relation is getting stronger with current customers and work scale is greater than ever. The company has been having a crucial role in automotive commercial vehicle section.
Since being joined some international exhibitions, Mercan decided to become a global player and followed three different paths to reach its current areas of activity. These fields are construction machinery, commercial vehicles section of automotive, power & energy. All the customers are best ones in these areas. Mercan supplies steel tanks and complex welding steel parts for its customers construction machinery industry. Axle housing ring for commercial vehicles and steel & copper parts for energy industry.

As Mercan is supplier for worldwide well-known companies, the production is focused on the strategic products of the customers. The main focus of the company is to be one of the best tank manufacturing suppliers for construction and agricultural machinery industry. Additionally, to that, light metal fabrication welded steel parts is also target of the company. Some new tank production projects started, some of them is going to start next year. New types of fuel & hydraulic tanks for various machines, dumpster skip, man basket, EV charging stations, new types of axle housing rings and a big size power distribution assembly line can be count as new products for Mercan next years.
As Mercan Makina mostly supply for construction machinery industry, the products are mainly steel fuel and hydraulic tanks. Light metal fabrication welded parts is another category of products produced in Mercan. Housing rings for commercial vehicles axles are also included to the products. The rest is various steel and copper parts for power and energy distribution equipment.
Mercan Makina always aims to be the top class manufacturer at its active markets. The company’s marketing plans are already applied since few years. The business development efforts of many years will result in better than expected. If everything goes better after Covid19 period, there is significant hope that the company will grow with a stabilized profitability. The world’s biggest players in its market are about to be Mercan’s new customers. Currently, the company has lots of steps to take. It means that Mercan will play a crucial role in global scale in mid and long term.

Zero carbon emission has been recently a global goal for all countries and companies and getting more significant every day in order to stop climate change. All the customers of Mercan pays high attention to this topic. Schneider Electric and Siemens are the customers of Mercan which belong to power and energy industry. They are mainly focused on ways of cleaner and more efficient energy production and sustainable energy policies for world climate. They apply these policies for all suppliers, especially for strategic suppliers. For automotive and construction machinery, it’s even critical because all types of vehicles must low the emission levels. All kind of vehicles are converted from fuel to electricity. Construction machineries are also included. These trends have both positive and negative effects for Mercan. Fuel tanks may completely be removed in long term. It’s partially begun. This will create some chances in future manufacturing EV charging stations. It can be foreseen that hydraulic oil tank and housing ring production in axles will remain the same for a while.

Mercan is the supplier which produces for their customers’ production line. It can be surely said that housing rings are the most innovative products marketed by Mercan. The whole production process is updated and improved by Mercan. The production is much more efficient than ever. There is a hard work long years and quite good know how in the production system. Mercan is able to produce big quantities by the help of these improvements.
The world had a recession period in 2020 due to Covid19 pandemic. Mercan had a slowdown in 2020 too. 2021 is the year of recovery for the company. 2022 is estimated to be increase on sales both in EUR and TL currency based. The company pays utmost attention to increase turnover and its profit together. The expectations are at high level for next few years.
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