MOTEG, founded in 2014 by Dr. Siegfried Götz, is located in northern Germany near the city of Flensburg on the Danish border. Aside electric motors for mobile application in automotive and aviation, MOTEG is focusing on development and production of complete electric auxiliaries, like electro hydraulics/steering-pumps and air compressors, for on-/off-road electric commercial vehicles (bus, truck, construction equipment, agricultural machinery).
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
MOTEG: Our main areas of activities are currently complete electric drive units for mobile application, especially in electric/fuel cell busses and trucks. Our air compressors and electro hydraulic pumps have been specifically designed according to the needs of the commercial emobility sector. They are compact, lightweight, efficient and have a low noise signature.
Over the last couple of years MOTEG has additionally build up valuable know how of smart auxiliary control together with different manufacturers of electric commercial vehicles. As a result, MOTEG has developed it’s own control software for driving their auxiliaries, which will lead to lower noise, less wear and tear and energy consumption, resulting in low total cost of ownership (TCO) for the vehicle operator.
By the end of 2022 more than 70 different customers spread over 5 continents were using MOTEG auxiliaries and electric motors in their electric and fuel cell commercial vehicles.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?
MOTEG: To extend our existing auxiliary portfolio we have developed a new air compressor with higher air delivery and pressure performance and a new stronger motor series ranging from 10 to 30 kw. As the existing MOTEG air compressor was specifically tailored to double axis busses and trucks of up to 26 tons and 3 axles, the new compressor is intended for semi-trucks and articulated busses with higher air demand. The new motors will additionally extend our portfolio on electro hydraulics to fulfill the market needs of electric power take off (ePTO) solutions. The mentioned new products will go into serial production in Summer 2023. Next in the row and to start this spring will the development of 50-80 kW motors.
E.E: What are the ranges of products?
MOTEG: Our current range of products are electric liquid cooled high voltage (230 & 400 VAC) permanent magnet motor ranging from 3- to 30 kW. Electric air compressors using screw compressor technology and providing an air volume of 325 and 490 l/min at 10 bar with max pressure of 12,5 bar for the smaller compressor and 15 bar for the bigger unit. In the field of electro hydraulics our products currently range from 2 to 70 l/min with maximum 250 bar. All specifically tailored for the use in on-/off-road commercial vehicles.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
MOTEG: Here I think it should be differentiated between the on- and off-road commercial vehicle market. In the on-road market the decision pro electric vehicles have been done and clearly stated by the EU. It is not a question of “IF” but “WHEN” the market will really be taken over by electric trucks and busses. But also, this question has been answered already by the EU. With new city busses being mandatory emission free starting 2030 and new trucks being 90% emission free from 2035 onwards, OEM’s have git a clear sign from the government where to focus on. So I would says the market is currently on or shortly before the tipping point.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
MOTEG: Market trends are clearly pro electric as answered in your previous question. If there will be more battery electric or fuel cell, is from our point of view a vehicle use case question. Anything with daily driving distance of less than 300-350 km will be prone for battery electric due to its better energy efficiency. Long distance transport will probably be a mix of battery electric and fuel cell busses and trucks. The off-road sector is a totally different area. Here the market is just at the beginning with no real decision made.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
MOTEG: Most innovative products will be auxiliaries with integrated motors. Like hydraulic pumps and motors in one housing. Will this innovation be seen in short time? The answer will be yes.
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?
MOTEG: Generally, the demand for our products is increasing from year to year as electromobility is a fast growing market. During the last 4 years we have doubled our turnover every year and this is of course also our goal for 2023. But as supply chains are still not really stable, which does effect many OEM’s, I think 2023 will still be a difficult year for many companies.