OMAR S.r.l. is specialized in the design, engineering, production, installation and service of air filtration and pollutants extraction systems. Founded in 1978, today it is characterized by forty years of know-how and in-depth knowledge of the transformation processes and regulations of the foundry, steelworks and more in general of the metals’ transformation and processing sectors, and of many other sectors such as wood, chemicals, plastics, food and, last but not least, the treatment and recycling of urban, industrial and metal waste sector.
Its DNA as a verticalized company allows an absolute and integrated control of the internal processes and the ability to stand out on the market for what concerns the environmental and economic sustainability of its solutions.
Its ITR Recycling Technologies brand is dedicated to the design, engineering, production, installation and service of systems for the treatment and recycling of urban, industrial and metal waste.
Easy Engineering: What are the ranges of products?
OMAR: OMAR S.r.l. is launching on the market the new PJB dynamic modular bag filtration system, which stands out on the market for its performance, the flexibility of its custom-specific concept, which allows it to be customized according to the specific needs of the customer, the filter’s functioning in positive or negative pressure (depending on the application), the optimization of the bags cleaning system through the use of intelligent management systems, which allow considerable energy savings, and devices that facilitate maintenance activities in absolute safety.
As regards specifically the aluminium die-casting sector, a new range of extraction and filtration systems will be presented in 2021, systems that aspire to be the sector’s answer in terms of filtration quality and energy efficiency.

In addition, the company is studying new and increasingly effective systems for the filtration of odours in the foundry sector.
Furthermore, OMAR has the intelligent “Smart Flow system” for the monitoring and managing of the collection points that allows you to automatically modulate the air flow according to the contemporaneity and the actual need of the system, ensuring at the same time the correct air velocity for the conveying of the material.
The ITR Recycling technologies brand has recently expanded its products portfolio with the new AIR and AIR P aeraulic separation systems, designed to enhance and separate the light fractions from the heavy ones and vice versa of pre-shredded or screened waste such as plastic multi-material, MSW, bulky waste mixed metals. An example of separation of light fraction from heavy fraction can be:
- Light fraction: Light plastics, nylon films, papers, threads, sponges, etc.
- Heavy fraction: Stones, glass, metals, heavy plastics etc.
These machines can be integrated into already existing systems between a primary and secondary shredder allowing the separation of metals with different densities, the valorisation, in economic terms, of the different separated materials (aluminium cans, cases or profiles), the separation of rigid and heavy plastics with a good economic value and so avoiding high maintenance costs and frequent downtime.
For 2021 the division will continue to invest and will present new primary machines for the treatment of waste and metals.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
OMAR: In the sectors in which the company operates, particular importance has the application of a circular economy, in which the focus is on recycling, enhancement and reuse, first of all of the raw materials and materials, but also of waste coming from productions, residues from industrial processes and energy recovery.
The macro-environment in which OMAR Air Filtration Systems operates consists of multiple sectors as, in the industrial field, there are different processes that generate polluting emissions and different regulations in force.
At a socio-cultural level, the environmental issue and so the attention to the emissions into the environment is now at the center of all world policies: human life derives from the protection of the environment.
With different levels of attention and sensitivity for each area and country of the world, ecology is in fact the predominant and constantly evolving theme, as the search for new best practices and technologies to save the planet is the game that we play at a world level.
The direction undertaken aims to reduce CO2 emissions through the choice of materials to be used, their life cycle and the possibility of recycling and reuse, the optimization and circularity of processes and the reduction of energy used.
At a socio-political level, the recycling of materials, especially those deriving from the processing of critical primary resources and from extremely energy-intensive processes, and the diversification of energy sources to reduce the dependence of European countries on third countries and monopolies, are the necessary prerequisites for the environmental and social development and sustainability, and for an efficiency of the same resources, through the creation of circular systems that guarantee continuity of the quality of life of future generations.
The macro-environment in which ITR operates is made up of the municipal solid waste and metals sector, in which the business revolves around the price per ton of waste and the value of the separated product or to which new life is given. The issue of waste recycling is today one of the most relevant topics at an international level, as well as a business that offers ever greater opportunities for companies that deal with the collection, recovery and treatment of the end of life product.
It is therefore evident that ITR have many development opportunities, covering an area that is now strategic in world development policies.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
OMAR: The most innovative concept that permeates our solutions is the concept of “integration” of the systems inside and outside the company in which they are installed. All ITR Recycling Technologies machines and systems are designed with 4.0 premises in order to offer the best in terms of performance, efficiency and perfect integration with factory systems.
The systems provide for on-site and remote control and supervision, to ensure immediate verification and intervention in case of unexpected events or problems may arise.
In addition, we are focusing a lot on the continuous optimization and efficiency of the systems for each specific application both in the field of air filtration and recycling of waste and metals.
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2021?
OMAR: Despite the current pandemic situation, the company has good prospects for the two-year period 2021-2022 and an order book that promises double-digit growth also for next year.