REMBE is a safety specialist in explosion safety and pressure relief. It provides customers in all industries with safety systems for their plants and equipment. All products are made in Germany and meet the requirements of national and international regulations. The company’s expertise is based on more than 45 years of application and project experience.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
REMBE: Our customers include market leaders in numerous sectors, such as the oil and gas, food, wood, chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries. REMBE takes a comprehensive approach, primarily developing and making its own products while also providing the relevant consultancy, engineering and service.
E.E: What’s the news for 2021 about new products?
REMBE: For 2021 we have launched a completely new Explosion Isolation System called Q-Bic. The Q-Bic is superior to conventional devices due to its unique bottle design with incorporated handle bars. These guarantee a much safer handling of the pressurized Extinguishing Bottles during start-up and maintenance.
On the Process Safety Side, a lot of new Rupture Disc Designs have debuted. One to mention is the first full Graphite Membrane that has no need anymore for fillers. The so-called GRX is therefore suitable for all processes where 100% tightness and 100% pure Graphite are essential.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?
- Different types of rupture discs for pressure relief;
- Explosion safety systems;
- Explosion vents, flameless venting as well as suppression and a variety of isolation devices.
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
REMBE: Different from Continent to Continent. Europe and North America have a pretty good Level of industrial Safety and the demand for comprehensive Explosion and Process Safety Solutions is nearly saturated. However, lots of new plants and processes are coming up and need state-of-the-art Concepts.
Other territories such as Asia or Africa still have an insatiable Need for Safety Upgrades and drive new Technologies hence population is growing much faster than in the old World.
E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
REMBE: There are so many new Technologies rising that conventional Approaches are not that suitable anymore. Providers of Industrial Safety have to re-think their Products and their Implementation into those future Processes. Individualization is becoming the new Standard and Suppliers have to structure their way of doing business completely new with a Maximum of Flexibility and Agility. We at REMBE develop bespoken Safety Solutions several times per day. This includes R&D processes, tailor-made Manufacturing Procedures and dedicated Certification and Approval within a few Hours, not Days or Weeks as it was common practice years ago.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
REMBE: I would say it is no longer a matter of Product but Placement. REMBE has launched a couple of Services around its Product Portfolio that make Customers Live easier. For example, special Calculation Tools or testing Services – in Pandemic Times fully digital via Video and most likely the standard way of Witness Testing forever – speed up the Decision Making Process whilst keeping the Safety Level on a Maximum and not compromising on Quality and Performance. During the last 18 Months the world has changed dramatically and those who love change will profit. Products are just a consequence of innovative Action.
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2021?
REMBE: An average Growth of 10% should be the Minimum over the next years. As stated above, Market Potential and Demand for increased Safety is growing and if a Company is innovative in its DNA, growth comes automatically.