SAPAG VALVES is one of the leading French manufacturers of industrial valves, thanks to its great brands of excellence such as: SAPAG®, GACHOT®, CLASAR®, MONOVAR®, RMI DUBEX.
The company differentiates itself from other manufacturers by offering a wide range of valves for all industrial applications, including elastomer lined, PTFE lined, double eccentric and triple eccentric butterfly valves with PTFE, Fire safe or metal seats, as well as a range of 2-piece and 3-piece ball valves, but also control valves, check valves and relief valves.
Today, the company has more than 109 employees to manage all the industrial valve trades through its production, purchasing, machining, assembly and testing units, as well as all support functions. An experienced sales department that listens to customers and markets, supported by the Research and Development department, completes the strength of SAPAG Valves at the service of its users.
The grouping of all the actors in one place allows SAPAG VALVES to meet the expectations and requirements of customers, which translates into a guarantee of responsiveness and immediate understanding of their needs.
The IPI group, through its subsidiaries FAMAT and SAPAG VALVES, offers you the opportunity of a complete and complementary range of products for the water, industry, OIL & GAS, energy markets, etc…
SAPAG VALVES is present in more than 70 countries around the world. They currently export more than 70% of production to the 5 continents.
Their quality, safety and environment management system is certified according to ISO 9001 I ISO 14001 I ISO 45001.
Interview with Thomas Lesnierowski, Sales & Marketing Assistant at SAPAG VALVES.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
Thomas Lesnierowski: SAPAG VALVES is a multi-segment company, so our products are intended for different segments of activity such as the industry sector (Chemical, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Automotive, Steel plant, Fire Fighting, Pulp & paper, Cement plant, Agroalimentary, Breweries, Sugar), the Oil & Gas sector (Oil, Gas, Marine), the water sector (Driking water, Water transport, Waste water, Desalination, Reuse Water) and the energy sector (Hydrogen, Renewable, Geothermal, Nuclear)
E.E: What’s the news about new products?
T.L: SAPAG VALVES has developed a new product the V17: the 3-piece technology forged ball valve with floating ball and gryogenic option.
The V17 has an outstanding performance record: Diameter (DN): 8 to 150 I Pressure (bar): 220 max I Temperatures (°C): -40 to 350°C I Reduced bore / integral I Steel / stainless steel version I Integrated pressure relief system as standard I Integrated ISO 5211 base for easy automation I Two lip seats coupled with two body seals guarantee the tightness I Screwed connections in the body I Available in weld end (BW and SW), gas threaded / gas tapered / NPT, flanged (PN, Class), or other finishes on request I Face to face: EN 12982 / EN 558 Series 1 I Anti-ejection and anti-loosening system with force recovery guaranteeing a perfect seal with a series of gaskets I Design standards: EN 13445 / DIN 3840 / EN 12516.3 I Sealing standards: NF EN 12266 / ISO 5208 Rate A I Flanged standards: EN 1092-1 / EN 1759-1 / ISO 7005
The gryogenic version of the V17 with extension 300 mm stands out thanks to its many features: Full or reduced passage I Stainless steel construction I Integrated ISO 5211 base for easy automation I Wide range of seat materials I Temperature range: -196 °C to +80 °C I Pressure equalization port on the upstream side of the ball I Seats specially machined for cryogenic applications I Vertical mounting of the axis extension is mandatory I Pressure: 100 bar maximum depending on the valve diameter and seat material I Valve designed in accordance with the NF EN 1626 standard I The valves are degreased in accordance with EN 12300 I The valves are individually packed in polyethylene bags.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?
BUTTERFLY VALVE with Counterweight
Butterfly valves Double offset High performance: JHP – SAPAG® I DISCOVANNE GACHOT®
Other Check Valves: Swing checkvalves I Dual plate check valves I Axial check valves
CONTROL VALVES: Energy dissipation valve – MONOVAR®
3 PIECE BALL VALVES: V15 I V16 I V17 – GACHOT® / RTS Series 3 – SAPAG®
NEEDLE VALVE: V574/575/576 – GACHOT®
ACCESSORIES: ISOBOX: Signalling / Control box I LIMITBOX: Signalling box
E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?
T.L: Our market is currently growing in certain segments, such as general industry, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, marine, oil & gas.
But also, in the launch phase on the water markets, because the main players come from developing countries.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?
T.L: As an ethical company, committed to sustainable development, to improving the living conditions of developing countries and aware of the many environmental issues, we are committed to supporting the various players in the water market, in the various fields of application such as water transport, drinking water, water recycling, wastewater treatment and desalination, by providing quality products Made in France and providing the most suitable solutions to their different needs.
E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?
T.L: The MONOVAR® control valve is one of the most innovative products marketed by SAPAG valves. It is a pressure and/or flow control valve developed for intelligent fluid control.
In the MONOVAR®, thanks to the division of the flow into numerous small jets (several dozen orifices per plate, distributed over the entire surface), this dissipation takes place under the best conditions.
This results in:
- The reduction of flow fluctuations due to the reduced energy of each jet and the characteristic small size of the induced turbulence of these jets. In addition, the disturbances propagate only a short distance downstream of the valve, which allows the reduction of the minimum distance generally recommended between a valve and the nearest device: flowmeter, turbine…
- A better number of cavitation starts than conventional valves.
- Excellent behavior in the presence of cavitation because it is transferred to the fluid (mixing cavitation), far from the vital parts of the valve (unlike conventional valves where cavitation appears on the obturator, the seat, the trunnions, etc.).
- There is also no formation of steam pockets under the intended conditions of use, which reduces the risk of pressure pulsation.
The CLASAR® check-valve is another of the most innovative products marketed by SAPAG valves. It prevents water hammer in pipes, for example in the event of an emergency shutdown of a pumping installation. The absence of a flapper makes its operation quieter. It allows a quick stabilization of the downstream flow. It is easy to install with a choice of vertical (rising fluid), horizontal or diagonal mounting.
In a pipeline or pumping station, the check valve is a frequently operated device. Statistically, a large number of dangerous water hammer events are due to the valve not being suitable for the installation.

The CLASAR® meets this requirement thanks to its short face-to-face design, which reduces the travel of the valve. The absence of friction and therefore of seizure, as the design does not include a guide pin. The density of the valve material is equal to the density of water (no inertia of the valve in water, due to its low mass)
- The spring improves the closing time.
- Thanks to its elasticity, the plug, when placed on its seat, does not create any shock when closing.
E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?
T.L: Despite the increase in the cost of raw materials, the cost of energy, the cost of labour, administrative constraints and production taxes, we remain very enthusiastic and optimistic about our economic development for 2023, thanks in particular to our presence to intensify on the continents of Africa, the Middle East and Asia, which translates into an increase in our order book.