Sempertrans, a business segment of the Semperit Group, is one of the world´s leading suppliers of conveyor belts. Its high performing products are used in several applications – from copper mines in Chile to coal mines in Germany and port facilities in Australia. The product portfolio includes a full range of technologically advanced, textile as well as steel cord conveyor belts but also unique specialty belts (Autostable, Metalcord etc.) to suit the demanding needs of its customers. Not only does Sempertrans support customers in terms of manufacturing, installation and maintenance, it is also represented worldwide by an Application Engineering team. These conveyor belt experts are dedicated to providing customised consulting services such as the design and configuration of conveyor belts in order to optimise the effectiveness of its customers’ business operations.
The increasing demand for Sempertrans conveyor belts has also led to the decision to expand the production capacities at the plant in Belchatow, Today the Belchatow plant is Europe’s largest conveyor belt production site. Together with the implementation of state-of-the-art production technology, it might be the most modern one, too.
Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?
SEMPERTRANS: For more than 50 years, Sempertrans has been manufacturing high-quality steel cord and textile conveyor belts which are used to transport material, like coal, iron ore, cement, sand and gravel, grain but also chemical products, in the mining, steel, cement industry, ports, but also other applications like power and heating plants.
Sempertrans offers a wide range of conveyor belts, as well as tailored solutions for special conveying tasks. Our customers require customised solutions which ensure long-lasting operations while reducing operating costs. Sempertrans supplies tailored conveyor belts which maximize safety, efficiency and lifetime of every operation. Our product range is known for strength, impact and wear resistance and long service life, carrying materials reliably and efficiently. We create added value for our customers, by helping make the entire conveyor system as safe, efficient and reliable as possible.
Conveyors are the most effective means of transporting materials. When compared to truck transportation, conveyors bring many advantages. They are not only more cost efficient, faster and safer. They also show higher availability and are more environmentally-friendly. They incur lower operating costs and require less maintenance.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed? What’s the news for 2020 about new products?
SEMPERTRANS: Mining operators need belts that do tough jobs. Particularly large and efficient mines need powerful systems with high-quality conveyor belts which increase their productivity and reduce operational costs. Longer conveyors require more power and higher strength at Sempertrans we are prepared to tackle these customer challenges. That’s why our R&D department developed products such as the energy-saving TransEvo to reduce energy consumption but also the maximum tensions. With TransEvo power savings of up to 25% are possible. Also splicing efficiency plays a vital role here where we see ourselves in a leading position. Besides those topics we also design custom belts for as complex projects as the aerial structure of the Flyingbelt. Especially for long distance conveyors high savings will be generated.
Transdura is Sempertrans’ anti-abrasive cover range – the preferred choice by customers to combat heavy wear and tear, cuts and gouges. Sempertrans Transdura UCG is our latest cover compound. It was developed to give ultimate belt protection against cutting and gouging under harshest conditions in hard rock mining. Therefore, it increases the conveyor belt lifetime.
Our engineered solutions include the Autostable which has a unique self-centring mechanism without additional equipment on the conveyor. It reduces the risks of off-centring and consequently of deterioration of the moulded edges. The Transpipe belt allows enclosed material transport whilst providing several other advantages over conventional conveyor belt systems. It is an engineered solution for material and environment protection. Transpipe is loaded like a regular conveyor belt and then formed into a pipe shape along the conveying route.
E.E: What are the ranges of traded products?
SEMPERTRANS: In the last 10 years Sempertrans has supplied its conveyor belts to the Mae Moh Mine in Northern Thailand. We have been cooperating with ITD (Italian Thai Development), the biggest mining contractor in Thailand. Our conveyor belts with the special and newly developed XCG cut and gouge resistant covers, made by Sempertrans in Europe, have proven to be the perfect fit for conveying overburden in the mine. XCG covers have a 20% higher impact resistance than standard covers and maintain excellent abrasion resistance.
The Mae Moh mine in Northern Thailand is the largest open-pit lignite mine in South-East Asia with a production of 16 m tons coal per year. It is operated by EGAT, which is the largest power producer in Thailand. The conveyor capacity ranges up to 18,000 tons per hour. This replaces around 450 full loaded trucks (40t) per hour.
Another remarkable project is Cobre Panama, one of the biggest open-pit copper development projects worldwide. Cobre Panama is a massive new copper mine with 13,600 hectares mining concession and 3,700 m tons mineral resources plus 1,000 m tons inferred.
This project encompassed the most demanding challenges of hard rock mining. Our belts will operate in almost all mining stages: in primary crushers, overland conveyors, secondary crushers, stackers and feeders.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active? What can you tell us about market trends? What estimations do you have for 2021?
SEMPERTRANS: In 2020 the mining industry was impacted by both the economic downturn that has been apparent since 2019 and the outbreak of the corona pandemic. Global mining companies reduced their capex significantly. Many EPCM and replacement projects were postponed to mid-2021. The focus on cost-cutting measures is strongly felt in the conveyor belt industry. Since many years our Sempertrans strategy has focused on supplying solutions that enable our customers to reduce their total cost of ownership for their conveying operations, thus maximizing the lifetime of conveyor belts and offering the best return of investment.
Another key success is to create added value for our customers. We see ourselves as a partner who helps the customer to find the optimal conveyor belting solution for their application. Our Global Application Engineering Team analyses each specific application and the prerequisites of the conveying operations, and then provides the most suitable technical solution.
Sempertrans sees signs of recovery of the market situation. The outlook for 2021 has a short-term visibility and will also depend on the global development of the corona pandemic.
Photos: Sempertrans