Tapmatic is a manufacturer of tool holders with a special focus on tapping attachments and tap holders for CNC and conventional machines. For their product line Effectivity Tools, they also produce tools for part marking on CNC machines and recently introduced the new DeBurr-Z holder for deburring on CNC machines.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

TAPMATIC: Tapping applications, work piece marking and deburring are all specialties for us.

E.E: What’s the news for 2021 about new products?

TAPMATIC: Our newest product is the DeBurr-Z axial floating holder for deburring on CNC machines. The DeBurr-Z allows our customers to debur the top edges and underside edges of their work piece even when these are not clearly defined like in the case of castings, or cross holes. The axial float is equally and simultaneously adjustable in compression and extension which allows our customers to accurately and consistently control the edge break.

The DeBurr-Z can also be used as a compression floating holder for engraving applications.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?

TAPMATIC: For tapping we are able to cover all sizes from M1 to M48, tapping on a CNC machine or on conventional drill press and milling machines.

For part marking we offer four possibilities. Stamping using our MH marking Head, Dot Peen Marking using the TapWriter, Scribing using our ScribeWriter Force II and engraving using the new DeBurr-Z.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

TAPMATIC: We offer our products to all companies in the metal working industries including automotive, aerospace, heavy industry manufacturing, medical, and other durable goods.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

TAPMATIC: We have seen increased interest in automation applications from our customers in recent years. We help our customers to eliminate secondary operations like tapping, marking and deburring, by allowing this work to be completed on the CNC machine.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?

TAPMATIC: Traditionally much of the deburring operations have been made by hand. We feel our DeBurr-Z, with the ability to reach both top side edges and underside edges, for deburring on the machine will eliminate a time consuming job for a person allowing them to focus on more important work.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2021?

TAPMATIC: Since the beginning of the year, our company has been very busy with a significant increase orders and our outlook for 2021 is very positive.