Tenstar Simulation has a clear vision to change the world. Their mission is to optimize learning, improve safety, and minimize emissions and, in the long run to ensure future, machine operators are better prepared for reality. The company develops industry-leading simulators with innovative tools for learning and extensive exercise programs, paired with cutting edge graphics and professional hardware.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

Tenstar Simulation: We develop simulators within Agriculture, Construction, Transport, Traffic, and Forestry. With a unique development team consisting of civil engineers and gaming developers, we have the opportunity to offer software with world-class graphics. With this unique software, together with professional and smart hardware, our market stretches worldwide.

E.E: What’s the news for 2021 about new products?

Tenstar Simulation: We have a strong focus on development and a will to always improve our products. 2021 will be a year of investing even more in the traffic segment, with new vehicles, 3D environments, weather conditions, and scenarios. You can expect to see some new machines within earthmoving and lifting, and there will also be some news involving the usage of eye-tracking and our analysing tools.

The Tenstar multimachine environment is an appreciated feature that enables students and teachers to interact and practice together in the same 3D environment. More collaborative exercises are to come during 2021, with simulators working together in networks. A great way to learn!

E.E: What are the ranges of traded products?

Tenstar Simulation: We offer a wide range of machines and vehicles on our simulators. Customers may have several needs, requiring many machines and a combination of different hardware solutions. The Tenstar simulators can easily be customized to suit those needs.

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

Tenstar Simulation: When it comes to simulation and virtual reality, the market is just at the very beginning of it all. There’s enormous potential, and we’re thrilled to be a part of it all as the interest continues to grow.

In many ways, we’re breaking new grounds. Since Tenstar simulators can be found and sold to very different parts of the world, realizing the benefits of simulation-based learning varies a lot. The most mature market is Traffic, but old technologies are being used, so there is a lot of potential for cutting-edge simulation like Tenstars. Some countries in Europe are using quite a bit of simulation in the Construction and Agriculture segments. Most markets are developing fast, though, and the current health crisis seems to be a catalyst for further growth.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

Tenstar Simulation: The pandemic has, in many ways, made many industries fast forward a few years. Digitalization is probably moving faster than ever, and the need for smart tech solutions continues to grow.

We’re going to have to live with the social distancing for quite some time, and simulation and VR can easily be adapted to that. And learning has to go on.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?

Tenstar Simulation: Tenstar Simulation has “innovation” written all over what we do, and therefore all our products are innovative in some way. One of our main ideas is that our simulators should always be on a never-ending road of innovation and improvement. With over-the-air updates and support, we allow users to constantly improve their learning experiences and driving skills.

One example of Tenstar’s innovation is our customizable hardware solution. We like to think of the Tenstar simulator as an all-in-one solution. One platform, many machines. An innovative, flexible, and cost-effective base that enables users to drive several machines and vehicles using the same platform.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2021?

Tenstar Simulation: We hope to be able to physically meet with more people and present our simulators to more parts of the world. Fingers crossed!

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