WINE&EGG is a well-established European enterprise operating on international markets. The company specializes in the development and production of innovative concrete tanks for the use in winemaking industry (for all the phases in the processing of grapes into wine: maceration, decantation, fermentation, blending, maturation, clearing). 

What they wanted to offer the wine makers is: concrete egg shaped tank made of one part, without any reinforcements inside of concrete and without any plastifications. With goal result and benefit for the winemaker to have perfect air permeability of the concrete egg tank which is strong enough to last for years. With a special designed and optimized thickness of the walls, combining with special mixture of concrete allows wine to develop in its own taste without giving to wine any additional flavors and aromas. The shape of the egg is designed in a special manner so wine can circulate inside and it keeps the temperature just right – it adopts to the wine cellar and regulate it without needing any additional cooling systems. 

To combine special mixture (no plastifications, reinforcements) with shape and long lasting products which will be a great benefit for the winemaker (certificate for the concrete for food industry, air-permeability and duration), they develop special technology. Which it’s quite challenging. In order to combine all the aspects – technological one, and those to satisfy the winemaker in every single aspect, was quite a journey. 

WINE&EGG first launched their concrete egg-shaped tank made of one part in 2019 and since that year they have opened most of the European markets such as: Italy, Germany, Spain, Greece, Croatia, Serbia, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia, Luxembourg and Switzerland, Romania,… 

Interview with Petra Strah, Owner of Wine&Egg.

Easy Engineering: What’s the news about new products?

Petra Strah: We want to offer our concrete eggs in different sizes at which we will be very strict underlining that each shape or each different volume gives the winemaker different results. We want to keep the company portfolio small, but selected and produced very carefully to satisfy the most demanding clients in the market. 

E.E: What are the ranges of products?

P.S: Our concrete eggs are made in 1000l in various types of looks: concrete look, stone look, colored looks, special lines of stone look combined with a concrete look, personalized logotypes for each winemaker, additional equipment (such us side outflow, thermometer, connectors for cooling system,…) and different types of stands, although our brand and concrete egg is famous, patented and recognizable by it’s most selling stand made out of stainless steel which can be movable with a forklift without any problems. We are specializing in volume 1000l and as it’s sells very good, we want to stay in that field for now. 

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

P.S: We are very happy that our clients are very satisfy with the results and benefits which the egg gives them and their wine. The biggest success for us is that brand is recognizable by the look and quality. Trust which we have from our clients bring us new orders from the old clients which wants to re-order and bringing us new clients because the products give the benefits to the previous ones. This is our goal – to achieve that our product is for modern winemaking a must. For all types of the wine and for each winemaker which takes his work as a passion and dedication, as an art with its soul. 

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends? 

P.S: Somehow concrete became very fashionable at the winemakers industry.  Although it is well known for years, even from the time of our grand-grandparents, it’s coming back as a new trending material which is designed to stay. There are so many producers of the concrete tanks but it’s a big difference between having a different shapes, volumes and producers of those tanks in winemaker’s cellar. It is also a big difference in concrete and technology as well. What makes us different between other producers of the concrete is our shape of the egg, volume 1000l (which is perfect volume for developing a special distinguished wines, it was chosen very carefully and not only because winemakers wanted 1000l but because we made a resources that this is optimum volume in relationship: concrete with a wine to have best results on the wine developing inside.) the air permeability and not the least and last: the look of the egg which was designed to not have only benefits for the winemaker but also to look good. 

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?

P.S: We will double last year sales, although our aim is to focus on producing our concrete eggs with special care, and not to become factory where products are just a numbers. So as an owner I decided we will stay with those limited quantities  because we take ourselves as somehow an artists, dedicated to do a pieces of concrete eggs with devotion and with the aim that in each and single wine cellar where our concrete eggs are is a piece of our art which is like a brush for the painter – in our cases that painters are winemakers which are creating magnificent wines and they are making it with special care, knowledge, love and passion, the same as our product are made. This is our philosophy. To made each piece in that way so it can become for winemaker not only piece of equipment to make wine, but to become part of the story for the winemaker in order to produce special distinguished and elegant wines. That’s why our slogan became so famous: Wine&egg, for wineries with a soul.

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