The Lithuanian engineering sector is the largest manufacturing sector in Lithuania and takes a significant place in the Lithuanian economy. In 2018 the industrial engineering sector accounted for about 4.9% of GDP. At the beginning of 2020 the industry has employed around 47.1 thousand workers or 4.9% of the total employment. At the beginning of 2020, there were 1,654 companies active in the industry and 98.4% of them were small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) with 1-249 persons employed.
In 2019 the export value of the industrial engineering sector increased by 3.8% and amounted to 2.9 billion EUR. In 2019 exports of domestically produced goods consisted mainly of rubber and plastic products (26.8%), fabricated metal products (20.4%), motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers (14.9%) and machinery and equipment (14.7%). The increase in domestically produced industrial engineering products export in 2019 was mainly driven by the growth of machinery and equipment exports (increased by 31.1 million euros or 7.8% to 432.4 million euros), whereas the largest decline in exports was recorded for basic metals (decreased by 27.0 million euros or 15.1% to 151.5 million euros).
The most important export markets for this sector were Germany (15.5%), Sweden (14.4%) and Norway (7.9%). The export of domestically produced furniture industry in 2019 has grown most significantly to the Netherlands (export value increased by 41.4 million euros or 25.6% to 203.0 million euros), whereas the largest decline in exports was recorded for Poland (decreased by 24.9 million euros or 13.2% to 164.5 million euros). In 2019 the industrial engineering sector exported its products to 159 countries around the world. Countries in the European Union accounted for 78.0% of exports value by the furniture industry.

The export value of the rubber and plastic products increased by 29.9 million EUR (or 4.0%) and amounted to 785.5 million EUR in 2019. The growth of the export value of other articles of plastics made the greatest influence on the growth – the export value of other articles of plastics increased by 25.0 million EUR (or 37.0%) to 92.6 million EUR during 2019. However this group of products comprised only 11.8% of the total export of the rubber and plastic products, whereas the main share (41.4%) was recorded for the packaging of plastics. In 2019 the most important foreign markets for rubber and plastic exporters were Germany (12,8%), Poland (10,7%) and Sweden (9.6%), whereas the most expanding export markets were Germany, India and Norway.
During 2019 the export value of the fabricated metal products industry increased by 30.5 million EUR (or 5.4%) to 597.3 million EUR. The increase of the export value of other articles of aluminum led to the growth most significantly – the export value of these products increased by 17.9 million EUR (or 2.1 times) to 34.2 million EUR. In 2019 the exports of fabricated metal products mainly consisted of metal constructions (31.8%) and other articles of iron or steel, forged or stamped, but not further worked (17.9%). In 2019 the most important export markets for fabricated metal products industry were Germany (15.7%), Norway (14.8%) and Sweden (14.3%), while the most expanding export were the United Kingdom, Denmark and Germany.
Lithuanian Engineering sector is valued due to its ability to focus on customized manufacturing in the industrial equipment, automotive components, construction and food industry equipment sectors. Lithuania also has high competence in this sphere.

Lithuanian Engineering sector is ready to adapt to customer’s needs, search for most suitable solution that creates the biggest value. Highly qualified specialists allow to develop complex solutions and fulfill orders from design to production.
So Lithuanian engineering companies can be reliable, competent and flexible business partners creating innovative, sustainable and high-quality engineering solutions.