Since 2007, in addition to manufacturing, Lux operates in the photovoltaic market as a supplier of semi-finished products for the entire chain of production. Other than her ingots Lux sells wafers and cells originated from their own production and from other sources, while maintaining a high focus on quality and reliability of her products.

Interview with Anania Simone, President of Lux s.r.l. 

Easy Engineering: A brief description of the company and its activities.

Anania Simone: Recent developments in the photovoltaic market and the continuing partnerships with module manufacturers, relating to the supply of multicritalline cells, allowed Lux to consolidate itself as a supplier of material not originated directly from her production. Among these products there can be considered glasses, frames, Junction Boxes and others.

Thanks to her experience and the new staff employment, Lux is also able to provide advices on the installation, start-up and handling of production lines for wafers, cells and modules.

Lux has always been engaged in the photovoltaic market and it has created numerous parks and facilities of medium and small sizes. We pay attention to every step: from production to installation turnkey.

E.E: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

A.S: We deal the whole chain of products raw materials and finished products, from Polysilicon to the installed solar park.

E.E: What’s the news about new products/services?

A.S: Starting from this year we switched on Ntype products, TOPCon and HJT, including Back contact products.

E.E: What are the ranges of products/services?

A.S: We cover completely our products and services, as we said for products we start from polysilicon, ingots, wafers, cells, backsheet, EVA, JB, glasses, frame and the others components to make solar modules. Then we deal with finished solar modules with all power, Inverters and battery. Including Solar modules for architectural integration. Other than this we provide for projects, work direction, EPC and other services to complete a solar power park.

E.E: What is the state of the market where you are currently active? 

A.S: All countries. In detail we deal with polysilicon in Asia, other raw materials as supplyer of our customers manufacturers of modules. Finished modules and solar park installations are made mainly in Italy and Europe.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

A.S: Unfortunately starting from may 2023 price of polysilicon in China drop drastically and with him also wafers, cells and solar modules, mainly due to an over-capacity. All of them are reaching prices under cost production, maybe even under dumping level. So actually, market is frozen and prices are continuing going down day by day.

Some months ago, I wrote a manuscript for Frontiers here below an extract of my article, you can use it as reference:

Polysilicon trend during the years:

The polysilicon market has experienced significant price fluctuations over the years due to various factors. These include supply and demand imbalances, production capacity expansions, currency exchange rate changes, market speculation, and government policies and incentives. These factors collectively contribute to the roller-coaster ride of polysilicon prices.

The recent uptick in the global polysilicon price average can be attributed solely to a strength-ending Chinese yuan. However, most price indices for polysilicon, both in China and internationally, have remained unchanged. Polysilicon manufacturers are currently controlling supply through main-tenancy shutdowns and reduced utilization rates. However, this control might not be sustainable, as new production capacities are scheduled to come online by the end of July 2023.

The recent crash in the polysilicon price, breaking through the threshold of US$10/kg on a global average and undercutting US$9/kg in China, was predicted by some industry experts. Despite warnings against overcapacity and short-term interests, Chinese polysilicon plant investors continued with massive capacity expansions. The result was a typical ”pork cycle” from shortage to oversupply, leading to the price collapse.

While the price decay began in March 2023, some Chinese companies were still planning to start up new polysilicon plants. However, two Chinese companies, have now stalled their plans, and others are reducing production due to losses. Despite these measures, it is unlikely that the decline can be stopped before the market price reaches the cash cost level of the last producer needed to satisfy demand, which is estimated to be below US$7/kg.

Charts illustrating the polysilicon price trend since 1981 show (Fig.10) a roller-coaster ride with intervals between peaks and troughs. Reliable information about the current spot price can be obtained from reputable data providers in the industry.

Intervals between peaks and troughs of the contract price for high-purity polysilicon 1981 – 2008 In the following chart (fig.11) the peak of price registered in the begin of 2008, when the shortage was pushing the price near 500 usd/kg. Polysilicon price forecasts are typically based on the industry cost curve, which allows for predicting the price of commodity products like polysilicon.

Figure 10: Bernreuter Research, Sources GT Advanced Technologies, PVinsights; Chart:GT AT

The industry’s continuous expansion and contraction cycles make accurate price forecasts crucial for stakeholders to make informed decisions. Overall, the polysilicon market remains influenced by various factors, and stakeholders must carefully monitor market dynamics and rely on reliable information to navigate the volatile pricing environment effectively.

Figure 11: Chart Bernreuter Research

The subsequent Chinese expansions of Siemens production led to an oversupply, which, as expected in market dynamics, caused a crash in prices, hitting a bottom in June 2023 with a price of 60 yuan/kg for prime mono grade. (Fig.12)

Figure 12: Chart Bernreuter Research

E.E: What are the most innovative products/services marketed? 

A.S: As I said for sure market is moving on higher efficiency modules Ntype TOPCon/HJT/back contact. It will be future trend of PV.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2024?

A.S: Actually, we are having forecast of 70% less compared previous years.