Easy Engineering: What new products / solutions do you have for your customers?
MOBIL ELEKTRONIK: Independent of Corona we will launch new safety steering computer generations due to increased safety standard requirements.
The new generation fulfills ASIL-D / PL e or AgPl e.
Apart from these general developments we are focussing on “easy and comfortable use” of the steering systems.
So, we will be able to offer ISOBUS communication for our agriculture market and some other interesting solutions which makes life easier for farmers and contractors.
More Information: http://www.mobil-elektronik.com/.
E.E: How will these products / solutions help them in the next period?
MOBIL ELEKTRONIK: The clients will be more competitive by fulfilling the highest safety standards if required. If it comes to AGV’s, safety level is important, especially when AGV’s and working staff will be in the same area (mixed zone).
The end user (farmer) on the other side will be happy to be able to handle the system in an easier way.

E.E: How did your employees react to the new working conditions?
MOBIL ELEKTRONIK: This is a change of mind set. In the beginning everybody was scared what will happen. Most of the staff has been sent home (home office) in order to reduce the traffic and contact in the office and this worked excellent.
After modifying the work places in order to grant more space, almost everybody is back in the office.
But our mind set is different now. We take care about each other much more than in the past and I guess we all appreciate to work in a healthy, family owned company. The big players start reducing staff wherever it is possible. Our company’s aim is not to reduce staff.
E.E: What innovative products / solutions did you come up with to meet the situation?
MOBIL ELEKTRONIK: Our product road map has not changed due to Corona. As I mentioned before, we will release new products and solutions anyway.
What has changed is our customer attention. Even without personal visits (which I miss a lot as a Sales Man) we have much more contact to our customers than before, by using Web Conferences or just conference calls. It took us a while to get used to it, but now we maintain a closer and more open relationship to our customers.
And, of course, we talk about Corona economic issues quite open.

E.E: What are your estimates for the rest of the year?
MOBIL ELEKTRONIK: My estimation is that we will have to do “home officing” again in autumn when the weather is getting colder and we have to stay more time within the building without air circulation. Economy will not improve that fast. We have to adapt to the new situation (lower turnover, lower order inflow, other working place circumstances).