ProVI GmbH is based in Munich, develops, and distributes the software of the same name, ProVI, an efficient and practical BIM solution for planning transportation infrastructure such as roads, railways and control command and signalling technology.

Interview with Hanno Posch, Executive Director at ProVI GmbH.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

Hanno Posch: As a routing software by engineers for engineers, ProVI is used by infrastructure owners and operators, transportation companies, contractors, and engineering service providers for planning transportation facilities. ProVI is the standard routing program at Deutsche Bahn AG and has been one of the most renowned systems in the planning of rail transport routes for many years.

E.E: What’s the news about new products/services?

H.P: ProVI is continuously working on enhancements to its products such as ProVI Road and ProVI Rail. In the second half of 2024, the company is additionally planning to launch a completely new product that will close a gap in daily planning practice. Users can look forward to this.

E.E: What are the ranges of products/services?

H.P: ProVI offers software solutions for the road, rail and control command and signalling technology sectors. ProVI Road is a product specially tailored to road planning that enables users to create a 3D model of their roadways in compliance with applicable guidelines and from which site plans and grading plans, cross sections, and numerous other reports such as the geometric road design, volume calculation, and sight distance calculation are then generated. ProVI Rail can be used to create guideline-compliant 3D models of railroad structures. This solution is the practical software for all rail planning tasks, from the transfer of stock data to routing to settlement. ProVI LST enables end-to-end digital planning from routing to control command and signalling technology planning. To enable users to work effectively with the software after just a short time, ProVI also offers basic and in-depth training courses as well as individual training sessions at the ProVI Academy

E.E: What is the state of the market where you are currently active?

H.P: To meet new demands and requirements for greater capacity, efficiency and environmental protection, the German market is currently focusing on the optimal renovation of existing transport structures. Population density is increasing and pushing into the cities, while at the same time smooth mobility in passenger and freight transport is expected. Transport and infrastructure planners are therefore faced with the challenge of rethinking mobility and finding functional solutions that consider aspects of traffic safety as well as climate, environmental and noise protection. These demands on the construction industry make it essential to increase efficiency right from the planning stage. Added to this are the planning requirements with Building Information Modelling (BIM): since December 2020, the German BMVI (Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure) has had a BIM mandate for publicly tendered infrastructure projects.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

H.P: Digitalization is introducing significant changes to infrastructure planning. Above all, collaboration and exchange between all project participants is accelerated and therefore more efficient. With BIM, a working method has found its way into infrastructure planning that enables collaborative work on a digital model and thus ensures that each party always has access to the latest data. BIM enables planners to remain competitive in the future infrastructure market. ProVI recognized the need for end-to-end digital planning of traffic routes at an early stage and developed an intuitive and easy-to-learn BIM solution.

Hanno Posch, Executive Director at ProVI GmbH.

E.E: What are the most innovative products/services marketed?

H.P: The success factor of ProVI software has always been to think the product from the customer’s problem back to the application. Solutions are developed by engineers for engineers, which are fed by various development cooperations and regular customer feedback. ProVI LST is the result of such a development cooperation: together with DB Engineering & Consulting, ProVI developed the module, which enables end-to-end digital planning from routing to control command and signalling technology planning and transfer in the PlanPro XML data model in accordance with the guidelines. ProVI LST thus integrates the control command and signalling technology into the overall planning context. 

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2024?

H.P: ProVI has set itself the goal of taking BIM in infrastructure planning to a new level by creating the best tool for BIM traffic route planning for the demanding Central European engineering market. Therefore, the team of developers, trainers and supporters will grow significantly in 2024. ProVI is also tapping into potential in new markets in Europe.

ProVI GmbH

Garmischer Straße 21

81373 München

+49 89 57 99 – 700