Salicru’s activities focus on the development, manufacture and sale of power electronics equipment to protect industrial, professional and domestic systems against problems caused by incidents affecting the electricity supply. 

Through their wide range of products and services, Salicru ensures optimum energy availability and advanced protection for technological equipment in sectors such as electronics, IT, lighting, renewable energy and telecommunications, thereby guaranteeing a continuous, clean, economical, reliable and environmentally friendly electricity supply.

Throughout our 55 years of experience, Salicru has been able to adapt to the evolution of the power electronics market. This has enabled them to become a leading centre for technology transfer in the field of electronic security and one of the industry’s key players at the international level.

Interview with Eduard Barcelona, Europe Area Manager, Salicru.

Easy Engineering: What were the top-selling products this year?

Eduard Barcelona: The manufacture and sale of Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) is traditionally Salicru’s largest area of business, accounting for 75% of all our sales both domestically and internationally.

Through our products, we have a presence in more than 60 countries. Our biggest markets are Europe and Asia, accounting for 38% and 29% of our sales, respectively.

Salicru also has a significant presence in Romania, where our products are available through a number of distributors, and we are also active in the neighbouring countries of Bulgaria, Macedonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary (where we have set up our own subsidiary).

E.E: What have been the most significant projects of 2020?

E.B: Firstly, I would highlight Salicru’s gradual entry into the healthcare sector, at both the domestic and international level. Throughout 2020 we have supplied a significant number of UPS Systems to leading hospitals in Spain and other countries such as Portugal, Guatemala, Peru and Vietnam. Professionally, it is a sector that presents a major technological challenge, as it is a critical environment in which the electricity supply and associated installations must never be allowed to fail.

In terms of infrastructure, I would highlight Salicru’s involvement in Europe’s largest photovoltaic power station, which is being built in Spain. We are supplying a variety of battery rectifiers and chargers in order to ensure maximum reliability for the station’s critical DC loads. In this respect, I would also point to our supply of multiple Power-S DC devices to the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), the state-owned company that generates, transmits and distributes electrical energy in Saudi Arabia.

Lastly, the automotive industry is another strategic (and equally important) sector in which our company has consolidated its position over the last year, with technological projects in a number of industrial plants belonging to leading international firms such as Mahle Electronics and Magneti Marelli. Our equipment guarantees a continued energy supply for the companies’ assembly lines for vehicle components.

E.E: Which of your company’s other initiatives in 2020 would you like to highlight?

E.B: Although Salicru has worked on many different initiatives this year, there are some that are particularly significant. 

Firstly, I would like to highlight our heightened focus on research, development and innovation in technology as a strategy to boost the company’s industrial growth. This has led to a significant expansion of our R&D department and the creation of an Internet of things (IoT) unit, in order to respond to the new competitiveness-oriented needs of Industry 4.0 and, in particular, to optimise the connectivity of Salicru products and offer cloud solutions tailored to meet the protection and security needs of our customers. Similarly, I would also highlight our efforts to increase the capacity of the regulatory and functional compliance area for our products, through the creation of a new QA and Functional Test Area incorporating new equipment, instrumentation and staff.

This growth strategy has also enabled us to open a new warehouse, in order to provide logistics, storage, inventory, and distribution services for our products. This new facility uses business intelligence technologies to implement a management system that can adapt easily to changes in our business activities, the incorporation of new processes and increased demand and sales.

Another significant initiative relates to our increased international presence in new markets. To achieve this, we have identified new partners for carrying out joint ventures with local companies, which contribute their knowledge of the markets while Salicru contributes our technological know-how. An example of our efforts in this respect is the creation of a new international subsidiary in the Middle East region, with the aim of boosting sales and making direct contact with clients in an area we consider to be of strategic importance.

Lastly, I would like to draw attention to the variety of technology-related initiatives in which Salicru has taken part in response to the coronavirus pandemic. We have collaborated on a range of projects with a social focus, all of which have aimed to reduce the lethal impact of the virus on our society.

E.E: What are your plans for 2021?

E.B: Our plans for next year are along the same strategic lines I discussed above: research and development of new products, an increased international presence in markets of interest, and updating the technology used in our existing products and launching new ones, particularly in the areas of energy efficiency and UPS Systems.


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