Many businesses have attempted to integrate AI into their projects, only to succumb to the challenges due to a lack of proper guidance or expertise. This is especially true for companies in traditional industries. These businesses stand to gain significant value from incorporating sensing AI technology, but they often require expert guidance to navigate this complex process. 

This is our field of expertise, and the objective of our sensing AI is always to make our customers’ products as smart as possible. We develop advanced sensing AI technology that collects high-quality data, and leverages AI software to analyze this data on-device. Thanks to this, we can deliver insights that help our clients to optimize their business operations. The foundation of any smart device is the quality of the data it acquires, and accurate data means reliable insights. 

Versatile and Accurate Sensor Systems

The 221e sensor systems are renowned for their build quality and precision, which allow our customers to deploy them in an infinite array of use cases across various industries. For example, the intelligence and accuracy of our motion processing software means that our systems can be used in both heavy industrial machinery and delicate medical devices, thanks to the adaptability of our sensor fusion AI algorithms.  

Use Cases and Industry Applications

  • Manufacturing Industry 
  • Outcome: The collaborative called for integrating miniature sensing nodes into steel ropes for cableways. Motion sensing and vibration analysis, which are non-negotiable for such a system, were performed using IMU sensor fusion and low-power micro-embedded systems. 

Our Muse miniature IMU was customized and deployed to gather data and detect deviations while operating autonomously for several days at a time. An embedded algorithm with an incredibly low firmware footprint continuously monitors key parameters including vibrations, lay length and rotations. Such a system guarantees an extra layer of security for cableway operations. 

  • Healthcare Sector 
    • Application: Gait Analysis 
    • System Deployed: 221e Mitch & YETI  
  • Outcome: The Mobilise-D project represents a pioneering push in gait analysis, leveraging sensor fusion AI to advance our understanding of mobility-related disorders and improve patient care. Funded by the European Union, it aims to develop innovative solutions for assessing and monitoring gait impairments in older adults. Particularly, those with respiratory illnesses, neurogenerative diseases, neuroinflammatory diseases, osteoporosis/sarcopenia, or cardiac pathologies. 

At the heart of the Mobilise-D project is the integration of wearable inertial sensors, such as our MITCH research sensor platform, with sophisticated AI algorithms that provide comprehensive gait analysis in real-world settings. By equipping participants with wearable devices, researchers can capture detailed motion data during everyday activities, allowing for a more holistic assessment of mobility and function. 

  • Automotive & Mobility
    • Application: Automotive & Mobility 
    • System Deployed: 221e Muse Wireless IMU 
  • Outcome: Poste Italiane was interested in crash detection and accurate signaling of man-down situations without misdetections or false alarms so they could dispatch emergency personnel much faster. 

They needed access to data regarding how their vehicles were operated during courier services to ensure driver and vehicle safety. This later led to a request for monitoring road conditions to determine their impact on vehicle conditions and resource consumption. 

221e installed the Muse wireless IMU on the uniform of postal workers as a wearable sensor and on 2, 3 and 4-wheeled vehicles as a black-box sensor. Using NeuraSense AI algorithms, we provided a platform for real-time data monitoring of driver conditions and safety. At the end, this system was applied for crash detection, man-down detection and driving dynamics recognition. 

The Advantages of Our Sensing AI Systems 

  • Real-time Data Collection & Analysis: Our sensors provide immediate feedback, enabling timely intervention. This is crucial in cases where time is of the essence, for example if a first responder encounters a man-down situation. On-device sensors detect and alert to this, placing a call to emergency services. The solution also sends GPS co-ordinates in cases of man-down detection.  
  • Making Mundane Products Smart: We transform everyday objects into smart devices that can communicate and interact with their environment. Our solutions are plug-and-play because they are meant to facilitate those customers without expertise in AI integration. Using our NeuraSense AI software, something as simple as a toothbrush can become an intelligent device that offers you customized insights about the effectiveness of your brushing technique. 
  • Reducing Downtime and Maintenance: By monitoring equipment performance, our systems help identify issues before they become critical, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.  
  • Data to Support Decision-Making Processes: The insights derived from our AI analysis support informed decision-making, leading to better strategic planning and operational efficiency.  

Our commitment to making our customers’ products as smart as possible through advanced sensing and AI technology is unwavering. By providing high-quality data and sophisticated analytical tools, we encourage businesses across various industries to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall performance. Our guidance does not end when projects are completed, as all our customers have access to ongoing support as needed. This dedication ensures that even those in traditional industries can successfully integrate our advanced technologies, unlocking new potentials and innovation.