SILBO is a manufacturer of packaging specializing in environmentally sustainable packaging, i.e. intended for composting and recycling. These are mainly packaging for vegetables and fruits, but not only.

The company also packs loose food, salad sets, frozen food, sandwiches, but also non-food products. SILBO has been on the market for almost 25 years.

Interview with Marta Paprocka, Marketing & PR Coordinator at SILBO.

Easy Engineering: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

Marta Paprocka: Most of our activity is export. Our products go mainly to EU countries such as France, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavian countries or Romania. We also have valued customers in the USA.

E.E: What’s the news about new products?

M.P: Our latest development is a paper packaging with a cellulose window. The transparent window gives the possibility of perfect presentation of food products. To properly protect the product, we make ventilation holes, and the whole package is printed with water-based ink. The ecological value of the packaging is increased by lamination with water-based glue applied only at the closing points. This is another type of packaging from our latest line of packaging “Mr Paper” based on certified paper intended for recycling.

E.E: What are the ranges of products?

M.P: All our types of packaging are arranged in three categories. The first is BIOSIL, i.e. packaging based on renewable, organic renewable raw materials. Here you can find compostable packaging and paper packaging intended for recycling.

The second category is MONOSIL, which includes mono-material packaging. Even if we combine the foil with the mesh, it is always made of the same material, so that the used packaging goes directly to recycling in a simplified procedure and can be recovered as regranulate.

The third category is MINISIL. Here we have minimized the raw material content. For example, our top seal films are only 19 microns and contain the maximum proportion of recycled raw material (R-PET).

E.E: At what stage is the market where you are currently active?

M.P: It’s a constantly growing market. The demand for food packaging is not falling, it is even steadily growing.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

M.P: The challenge now is the environmental aspect, because disposable plastic packaging will certainly be consistently eliminated.

Currently, however, we are dealing with a kind of suspension and unknown. What will this plastic be and to what extent will it be replaced? In particular, the provisions on compostable packaging are not specified. There are no uniform legal regulations here, each country regulates not only the release of such materials into circulation, but also the issues of waste collection, composting and recycling. It’s pretty complicated. Nevertheless, the trend of paper packaging is visible and it will certainly grow.

E.E: What are the most innovative products marketed?

M.P: From our point of view, the most innovative are paper packaging for food with high barrier needs. An example is our paper packaging for frozen meals. Until recently, we were all convinced that this kind of food could only be packed in plastic foil. Meanwhile, we proved with one of our clients that frozen food can be successfully packed in paper without losing quality and safety. These are packaging that protect against grease, odors and moisture. In addition, they look great in stores, and after use, they can be recycled in the stream of waste paper.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2023?

M.P: This year, 2023, or rather its second half, is a continuation of the previously adopted strategies of individual clients. Still, most of them, especially in developing countries, use plastic packaging and do so mainly because of the price.

However, there are those who, wanting to overtake the competition, build a strong market position and anticipating legal obligations, have already replaced plastic packaging with paper. This is what happened in France, and it is this country that will set the direction in 2024. We expect that along with the French legislation to be detailed and introduced from January next year (AGEC), other EU countries will also gradually introduce changes and obligations for packaging manufacturers. 

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