Interview with Benoit Delaloy, International Manager at SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE
Why is the celebration of SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE important for the livestock industry?
Benoit Delaloy: It is important for being the leading European fair for livestock, especially for beef cattle breeding. In the same way for the quality of the 2,000 animals selected for their high genetic value, whether they are beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep or even horses. It is the appointment that professionals cannot miss, the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE has built its fame with a total of more than 70 breeds that meet at the SOMMET to participate in the competitions or on behalf, that is to say the best of French animal genetics.
In addition, the SOMMET offers a very complete commercial offer with the presence of all the equipment, products, services and latest innovations in the agricultural sector.
The fair is also an important place for exchanges with 100 conferences and workshops on hot farming issues.
A visit to the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE is therefore essential for a breeder/farmer who is in an investment phase.
The SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE aims to be the world reference event for sustainable livestock.

What new features does this edition include?
B.D: Our news
For the SOMMET 2022, the guest of honor cattle breed is the Charolais breed that will be the center of attention, with the 400 best specimens of the breed in national competition for 4 days + an auction sale of excellent pedigree bulls and heifers.
Mongolia will be the country guest of honor this year. With an area of 1.5 million km² and 66 million head of cattle for 3 million inhabitants, Mongolia has considerable agricultural potential.
European Simmental Championship
For this new «Euro-Simmental», we have the participation of 4 countries (Switzerland, Austria and Germany… and France), invited to participate in the European Championship of the breed, with 4 cows per country in competition. There will be 12 foreign Simmental cows and 36 French Simmental cows that will compete in the dairy ring (Hall 2).
The objective of this competition is first of all to highlight the international aspect of the Simmental breed.

Benoit Delaloy, International Manager at SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE
The responsible of the Hereford cattle breed have chosen to organize their 16th European Conference as part of the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE. It will be a time of meetings, exchanges and discussions between all the Hereford European breeders present. An opportunity also to communicate about the greatest advantages of this very international breed.
SOMMET 2022 will also be a complete commercial offer for all sectors of livestock and agriculture, a recognized business hub (about 100,000 commercial transactions are carried out each year during the event) and an information forum with 100 conferences and colloquiums proposed during the 4 days of the fair, dealing with the emblematic topics of current agriculture.
For this 31st edition, the organizers chose to place the event under the sign of installation and transmission, major challenges for the generational change and for the future of French agriculture.
Of the different scheduled activities, which are the most valued by the attendees? Why?
B.D: For international attendees, one of the most valued activities are the visits to farms, the livestock competitions (due to the exceptional showcase of the bovine, ovine, and equine genetic sample), as well as the International Livestock Evening.
There are around 30 visits to farms and agro-industrial plants organized exlusively for international visitors: beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, horses, but also a slaughterhouse, a biogas plant, a beef research center, a National Research Agronomic Institute …. for a complete overview of the French livestock industry, in situ.

Every year, foreign delegations are also invited to the great International Livestock Evening organized in collaboration with FRANCE GÉNÉTIQUE ÉLEVAGE. During one hour, all the animal breeds present at the fair (cattle, sheep, horses) are presented in a great show in the ring of the Zénith concert-hall arena (with English translation and cocktail).
In 2022, for French visitors, one of the most valued activities will be the generational change, a key challenge for French agriculture in the next ten years. The figures prove it: close to one breeder out of three is currently not replaced, which is why the organizers of the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE have wanted generational change and transmission to be the common thread of this new edition.
What attendance forecast figures do you handle?
B.D: 1,550 exhibitors, 2,000 animals and 100,000 professional visitors are expected to participate in this event (31st edition), now part of the world’s largest fairs dedicated to animal production.
E.E: What is the professional profile of the SOMMET visitor?
B.D: Mainly farmers and breeders (80%), but also executives, livestock technicians, students.
We also have mainly visitors in the investment phase. The activity sectors of the professional visitors at the Sommet de l’Élevage are beef cattle (50%), dairy cattle (30%), sheep (13%), crops (16%), pigs, poultry , goats, horses…

And what about the exhibitors?
B.D: The exhibitors are manufacturers (59%), importers/distributors (23%) and service providers (18%). Their activity sectors are agricultural machinery (29%), equipment and services for livestock (51%), supplies for livestock (22%), renewable energies, new technologies…
Can you remind us when SOMMET is held and what Romanian professionals interested in visiting the meeting should do?
B.D: Our international fair SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE “Livestock Summit” will take place from Tuesday 4 to Friday 7 October 2022 in the city of Clermont-Ferrand, central France.
Interested Romanian professionals must register on our website to obtain their free entry badge to the fair.
The organizers of the Sommet de l’Élevage will once again propose their International Business Club available to Romanian delegations, as well as international delegations, in the Zénith hall.
This 800 m² space is at the same time a place of welcome, work and rest. It offers numerous services such as: interpreters, guided tours of the fair, organization of B2B appointments with exhibitors, meeting room, prayer room, free shuttle bus to the city and the airport.