tbm hightech control GmbH, based in Aschheim near Munich, has been a leading provider of security solutions in the logistics industry for over 30 years. Their commitment to safety and quality has made tbm a trusted partner for numerous companies all over Europe that rely on company’s innovative products and customized solutions.

Easy Engineering: A brief description of the company and its activities.

From design and development to production, we manufacture all of our products in-house. This not only guarantees the highest quality standards, but also enables us to respond flexibly and quickly to the specific needs of our customers.

Our many years of experience and in-depth know-how in logistics security make us experts in our field. 

We are proud to make a decisive contribution to safety and efficiency in the logistics sector with our products and services.

E.E: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

For 30 years, tbm hightech control GmbH has specialized in safety in narrow aisles. 

Our main activity is equipping high-aisle forklift trucks with our manufacturer-independent mobile personnel protection system. This enables us to make a wide range of industrial trucks safe and efficient, regardless of their manufacturer.

Extensive regulations apply to the use of industrial trucks in narrow aisles, which we always comply with and integrate into our products. 

The most important regulations include

  • Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC: This directive defines the general level of protection for machinery and ensures that our products meet the highest safety standards.
  • EN 13849: This standard defines the safety functions for specific hazards and ensures that our systems fulfill the required safety functions.
  • DIN 15 185-2: This standard defines the safety requirements and functions for the use of industrial trucks in narrow aisles.

Our personnel protection system is fully compliant with all these standards and operates at a safety level corresponding to performance level d. This means that our systems not only meet the legal requirements, but also offer a high level of reliability and protection to effectively prevent accidents and hazards.

Through our continuous research and development in this area, we ensure that our products are always state of the art and meet the highest safety standards. Our customers can rest assured that their employees and systems are protected in the best possible way when they choose our solutions.

Our second main area of business is our driver assistance systems, which also ensure the protection of man and machine regardless of the manufacturer.

Here too, more than 30 years of experience flow into the development of these products.

Whether automatic speed reduction in defined route areas (e.g. when there is a high volume of people), forklift height monitoring before driving through a gate or defined monitoring zones at the rear for safe reversing – each system is specially designed to protect against certain hazards and thus contributes to safety during operation.

Above all, our Vision Zero has the clear goal of avoiding and preventing accidents. This vision drives us to continuously develop innovative and reliable solutions that make our customers’ day-to-day work safer.

Our driver assistance systems react proactively to dangerous situations and intervene via the vehicle control system. This happens automatically and autonomously by reducing the speed or bringing the vehicle (almost) to a standstill. Despite these interventions, the driver’s autonomy remains intact and is not impaired.

We offer the right safety assistant for every hazard. Our systems are designed so that they can react flexibly and efficiently to different hazards without disrupting the flow of work. This not only ensures the safety of drivers, but also the efficiency and productivity of warehouse operations.

In addition to our mobile safety and driver assistance systems, we at tbm hightech control GmbH also develop innovative stationary systems that prevent hazards and do not involve the equipment of vehicles or people. An outstanding example of this is our GSA-207, which functions as an intelligent circular mirror.

The GSA-207 is installed in the middle of intersections or at dangerous locations and detects and differentiates between approaching vehicles and people. A powerful projector or an effective Power-Spot in blue is automatically activated if there is a potential danger. These project an eye-catching signal or motif onto the ground to warn of the danger.

A particular advantage of our system is that the warning signals are only activated when danger is actually imminent. This prevents permanent ground motifs from being ignored by drivers after a short time, which increases the effectiveness of the warning signals.

Our stationary safety systems are designed to work preventively and increase safety in critical areas. The intelligent technology of the GSA-207 effectively prevents accidents and draws employees’ attention to potential hazards.

With our many years of experience and our pursuit of maximum safety, we are setting new standards in the development of stationary safety systems. Our solutions are designed to make the working environment safer and minimize the risk of accidents.

E.E: What’s the news about new products/services?

This year, we presented our latest product at the largest intralogistics trade fair, LogiMAT in Stuttgart: the SafetyDoorLight-107. This innovative system was met with great enthusiasm by visitors to the trade fair.

The SafetyDoorLight-107 is based on the powerful projector of the GSA-207, but was developed as a stand-alone system. Coupled with a door contact switch that works without a battery or external power source, the system serves as a conspicuous warning and is mounted above doors that end in driveways.

As soon as an employee opens the door, the projector is activated and projects an eye-catching image onto the floor. This immediately signals to the forklift drivers that a person is passing through the door and entering the route. This visual warning signal effectively prevents potential accidents.

The SafetyDoorLight-107 only requires a 230 VAC power supply and can simply be plugged into a standard socket. The door contact switch can be simply glued or fixed into the door frame – no further installation measures are required.

With this new product, we are once again setting new standards in safety technology and offering an efficient and user-friendly solution to increase safety in intralogistics.

E.E: What are the ranges of products/services?

At tbm hightech control GmbH, we not only offer first-class security products, but also comprehensive services to ensure that our customers receive the best possible support.

Our system technicians are deployed throughout Germany and ensure that we can serve our customers promptly and efficiently. Our aim is to be on site at the customer’s premises the next day or the day after at the latest in order to solve any problems quickly and reliably. This high standard of service is an essential part of our corporate philosophy.

In addition to direct support from our technicians, we also rely on cooperation with dealers. Through targeted training, we strengthen our partners so that they can competently sell and support our products. These strong partnerships enable us to build up an extensive and reliable service network.

Our products are designed in such a way that they can also be installed and commissioned in-house. For this purpose, our assembly and installation kits are sent out with all the necessary documentation. To support this, we offer special training courses by our certified trainers. These training courses ensure that our customers and partners acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to install and maintain our systems independently and correctly.

Through this combination of high-quality products, excellent service and extensive training opportunities, we ensure that our customers always receive the best possible support and can make optimum use of our security solutions.

E.E: What is the state of the market where you are currently active?

The market in which we operate has been developing strongly towards automation for years, with an increasing focus on self-driving forklifts and fully autonomous warehouse solutions. However, these advanced systems require significant investment as well as modern infrastructure and equipment, making the transition challenging for many companies.

tbm hightech control GmbH is therefore also focusing on modernizing existing warehouses and making them safer. Our products are state of the art and offer flexible solutions that can be integrated into existing systems and meet future automation requirements.

With our ELSA – Enhanced Line System Automation – we offer state-of-the-art logistics control 4.0, which enables route optimization for vehicles. If an obstacle blocks a route, ELSA ensures that the vehicles automatically select alternative routes in order to continue operations smoothly.

In addition, the ELSA web service offers the option of monitoring all sensors and therefore the entire system in real time. This allows us to detect failures immediately and take appropriate measures to ensure safety and efficiency in warehouse operations at all times.

Our approach of both modernizing existing warehouses and being prepared for the future of automation positions us as a flexible and future-oriented partner in the logistics industry. Our products and solutions not only offer maximum safety, but also seamless integration into modern logistics processes.

E.E: What can you tell us about market trends?

As a leading company in intralogistics, we closely monitor the latest market trends and align our strategies accordingly. The trend today is not only towards Industry 4.0 and autonomous driving, but also includes other important aspects.

  1. industry 4.0 and autonomous logistics:

Advancing automation and digitalization in the logistics industry are driving the development towards fully networked and autonomous systems. Companies are increasingly relying on intelligent technologies to optimize their processes, reduce costs and increase efficiency. Our solutions such as ELSA – Enhanced Line System Automation – support this development by enabling seamless integration into modern logistics processes while ensuring the highest safety standards.

  • trust and sustainability:

Another significant trend is the growing focus on trust and sustainability. Well-known vehicle manufacturers and companies in the intralogistics industry are placing increasing emphasis on building trusting relationships with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. Sustainability is seen as an integral part of the corporate strategy to ensure long-term success.

  • ecovadis certification:

An important step towards sustainability is the assessment by the Ecovadis platform. This platform evaluates more than 65,000 suppliers worldwide with regard to their ecological, social and ethical performance. Naturally, tbm hightech control GmbH is also Ecovadis-certified. This certification underlines our commitment to sustainability and is a central component of our corporate philosophy.

By integrating these trends into our business strategy, we not only strengthen our market position, but also make a valuable contribution to the sustainable development of the logistics industry. We are convinced that trust, sustainability and technological innovation go hand in hand and form the basis for a successful future.

E.E: What are the most innovative products/services marketed?

Even in the largest and most modern warehouses, in which many processes run autonomously, humans remain a central control unit. Human paths and routes are often unpredictable. It is therefore essential to take additional safety measures to compensate for this unpredictability and ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Our innovative products and services are designed to maximize safety in automated warehouse environments and prevent accidents. By combining advanced technology and smart solutions, we ensure that both autonomous systems and human activities can coexist safely and efficiently.

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2024?

tbm hightech control GmbH is committed to the continuous development of its products and to ensuring safety in logistics. Our aim is to continuously improve safety in warehouse and logistics processes through innovative solutions and the highest quality standards.

Continuous further development:

We rely on continuous research and development to keep our products at the cutting edge of technology. By integrating advanced technologies and adapting to the changing requirements of the logistics industry, we ensure that our solutions become increasingly efficient and safe.

Expansion of the dealer network:

Another important goal is to expand our dealer network both within and outside Europe. This year, we have already pushed ahead with project planning for the Asian market, whereby security in logistics naturally plays a central role here, too.

More safety in the warehouse:

Our central concern is to ensure greater safety in the warehouse. By developing and providing our advanced safety systems, we aim to minimize the risks in logistics and help make workplaces safer. Our products are designed to prevent accidents and increase efficiency by protecting both man and machine.

By achieving these goals, we strive to further consolidate and expand our market position as a leading provider of safety systems in logistics. We are convinced that our innovative solutions and our commitment to safety will make a significant contribution to the future of logistics.

tbm hightech control GmbH

Karl-Hammerschmidt-Str. 32

85609 Aschheim bei München
