Founded in 1988, TopsilGlobal is a private, family-owned company specializing in the processing of silicone and thermoplastic elastomers by injection and extrusion. For all these processes, they use tools made in their own tool making department equipped with the most modern, highly precise machines.

Interview with Piotr Gawłowski, Brand Manager at TopsilGlobal.

Easy Engineering: A brief description of the company and its activities.

Piotr Gawłowski: In the world of elastomers, we want to be a guide for our customers, leading them from the early concept, through the design phase, to the final product.

Products offered by TopsilGlobal are meant for extremely responsible tasks in electrical engineering, household appliances, care, medical devices, automotive and construction. 

TopsilGlobal employs over 200 people, has 6000 m2 of production area and 3500 m2 of warehouses, social and office space in its two plants in Poland and provides its products to over 40 countries around the world. We offer our global Customers also production capabilities (LSR injection molding) at our own facility in China, in the Shanghai area.

We are proud to have among our customers the renowned global brands such as Philips, Bosch and Velux.

E.E: What are the main areas of activity of the company?

P.G: Areas of operation:

  • Liquid silicone injection moulding (LSR)
  • Injection moulding of thermoplastics (TP, TPE, TPV) 
  • 2-Component LSR + TP injection moulding
  • Silicone extrusion / Co-extrusion of silicone
  • Extrusion and co-extrusion of thermoplastic materials
  • Co-extrusion of polyamide and silicone
  • Press moulding using vulcanising presses
  • HTV silicone compounding
  • Clean room ISO 7 (life science applications)
  • Tool making
  • Molds design
  • R&D support

E.E: What’s the news about new products/services?

P.G: We invest strongly in the state-of-the-art solutions offered in the industry. In-line video control systems, electronically controlled feeders, feedback on extrusion lines and production process simulation software are some of these investments. Our plant in Skierniewice gives the highest global standards for processing elastic materials, also in terms of controlled environment conditions for medical applications and products in contact with food. The integrated ERP system secures full control over all processes within the company and gives us opportunity to plan the optimum utilization of resources.

We care about the quality of our products at every step, from checking the properties of raw materials, through the automation of production processes, up to the control of outgoing products. The quality policy covers far-reaching automation of production and control processes to eliminate all repetitive manual activities. Cutting profiles into sections of any length, drilling ventilation holes or laser marking are done by automatic devices integrated with the production lines, and do not cause delays in the product manufacturing cycle.

E.E: What are the ranges of products/services?

P.G: Silicone & TPE products tailored to individual needs of our customers

We specialize in customized silicone and TPE parts, tailored to the individual requirements of the Customer and the needs of a specific application. We can support projects at an early conceptual stage, prepare a technical design and necessary production forms and also suggest the best material for a given product.

Our services

  • Silicone & TPE Injection & two-compontent injection (2K)
  • Extrusion & co-extrusion
  • Cleanroom ISO 7 production
  • R&D support and molds design
  • Tool making 

Our groups of products

  • Silicone & TPE parts (customised to individual needs) 
  • Silicone & TPE parts for medical applications (customised to individual needs) 
  • Silicone & TPE seals/gaskets
  • Silicone & TPE hoses/tubes
  • Silicone & TPE cords

E.E: What is the state of the market where you are currently active?

P.G: The market, like most markets, went through strong turbulence caused by COVID, which contributed to significant increases in energy and materials prices. Currently, the situation has normalized somewhat and after a slight slowdown in 2023, we expect a return to the path of dynamic growth.

E.E: What are the most innovative products/services marketed?

P.G: The groups of products that require the most advanced technologies are medical applications and those in contact with food. Clean rooms provide appropriate conditions to meet the necessary standards, especially in the field of production sterility. 

Also, very interesting solutions in the industry are, for example:

  • High pressure silicone parts

Braid reinforcement permits use under elevated working pressures (aramid, polyester or fiberglass reinforcement available) 

  • High temperature silicone parts 

Suitable for applications up to 350° C 

  • Metal-detectable silicone parts 

Designed to be X-ray detectable

  • Flame retardant silicone parts 

Compliant with, for example, EN45545-2 specifications (for railway industry) 

  • Conductive silicone parts 

Semiconductive compound with a low volume resistivity (used for electro-conductive elements, EMI shielding and heating parts) 

  • Fuel & chemicals transportation elements 

Fluorosilicone elements with improved chemical and fuel resistance (good for fuel, oils and various chemical substances transportation)

E.E: What estimations do you have for 2024?

P.G: Estimations are never easy but we hope for about 10% increase of our revenue in 2024.