Under the patronage of H.E / Eng Salim Bin Nasser Al Aufi – Undersecretary of Ministry of Oil & Gas – Oman and amidst the presence of a number of key officials, foreign diplomats and high level representatives from the world’s leading oil companies, the 9th edition of the Middle East Artificial Lift Forum (MEALF) under the theme “Rising Opportunity & Innovation” was officially inaugurated at The Grand Millennium in Muscat, Oman on December 11th 2019.
With an audience of over 350, the three-day event is focusing on the increasing use of artificial lift technologies in oil production operations throughout the Middle East region and is highlighting the central and increasingly important role artificial lift technology plays in oil production in the Middle East region. With around 50+ abstract submissions by technical experts of the industry, MEALF is emerging to be the only dedicated event for the artificial lift industry in the region and is providing an opportunity of networking with industry professionals, top executives and decision makers.

On this occasion H.E / Eng Salim Bin Nasser Al Aufi – Undersecretary of Ministry of Oil & Gas commented “The demand for artificial lift is bound to increase as the focus of the suppliers will be on creaming the existing assets as the challenge will be to carry out the existing activities at a much faster pace and eliminate the waste. Another challenge spinning from an opportunity is that of digitalization as everyone now wants immediate information and direct access of the performance of their wells, artificial lifts and their facilities so that it can be actioned accordingly. This poses an added challenge of cyber security and makes it easier to hack and penetrate the information. If we collaborate and work together, we can overcome these challenges and help to grow more demand”.
Ms. Atika Al-Bimani, ESP-Subject Matter Expert, PDO & Shell Global further added “the forum will give you a unique opportunity to get the latest updates from the industry and to network and meet new colleagues. The fact that we have achieved this volume of participants, as delegates, presenters and exhibitors, serves as a reminder of just how important Artificial Lift technology is in oil production and market value. We have participants from 22 countries, with expertise ranging from well & reservoir management, operation, tools & equipment manufacturers and services to R&D and academia”.

Guided by a vision of becoming the pioneering non-profit platform for artificial lift technologies in the Middle East, MEALF has once again reaffirmed its position as the industry’s leading platform for the technology and the highly recognized energy Forum. This year’s event also witnessed extended reach in terms of speakers, presenters, delegates and exhibitors as the forum’s workshops, exhibition, technical presentations, areas of discussion, case histories and subsequent debates have been carefully selected through a very meticulous process to ensure that all topics are relevant and cover the most primary areas of our industry’s business, including potential challenges.
As part of the Forum’s deeply rooted commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices, all participants at the Forum will be using Apple I-pads throughout all sessions, presentations and meetings. This comes in light of MEALF’s efforts to ‘Go Green and Sustainable’ and help conserve the environment by avoiding the use of papers, pens and other stationary, given the large number of participants at such forums and exhibitions.
In addition, MEALF has also opened its doors to a number of students who specialize in oil and gas academic fields. This comes as efforts to encourage youth and future professionals to attend and connect with key decision makers in the vibrant energy industry by being an active part of the international knowledge and expertise sharing event.

MEALF 2019 is supported by a range of leading regional and international sponsors including the Platinum Sponsor; Petroleum Development Oman, Gold Sponsors; Baker Hughes and Accidental of Oman Inc, Silver Sponsor; Apergy and Student Papers Contest Sponsor; Borets.
The forum also included an entire day of pre-forum training workshops which was held on 10th December 2019. The pre-forum workshops targeted intermediate to advanced level participants who seek for understanding the Artificial Lift Technologies. The workshops focused on practical exercises and best practice / new-tech cases in an interactive setting. These workshops were conducted by leading experts and covered topics like Artificial Lift Solutions for the Life of the Well, ESP Tear Down & Root Cause Failure Analysis, PCP Training Course Description & Sucker Rod Pumping Technology, Problem Analysis and Solution.