Over 2,500 visitors, including customers and distributors from all five continents, were welcomed at the event which took place from January 25 to 27 at the SCM Rimini Headquarters. It was the first such event to be dedicated to the new woodworking industry trends in the digital age. Visitors were most curious to see SCM’s Digital Hub and all the latest developments in production technology. Industry professionals arrived at the SCM Headquarters in Rimini from all over Europe, Asia, the Middle East and South America. From January 25 to 27 more than 2,500 visitors attended the Scm Digital Days, the Italian giant’s 2018 Open House. Record numbers that confirm once again the Group’s world leadership position among providers of secondary woodworking solutions. The event focused on new production technologies that are based on digital developments and Industry 4.0 concepts, which companies in our industry have been adopting in recent years.