An unexpected application process
Every once in a while, in the high amount of customers application processes a unique application involving our products comes to our attention. We were recently in contact with a customer who was working on a project involving the milling of a human body. Yes, you read that correctly. Here is an unusual and „morbid“ application EPUTEC want to report about.
The initial description of the process may take you aback, but the concept is fascinating. Susan Potter, a medical education activist and cancer survivor, signed on to a project in 2000. She had recently been involved in a major car accident and was told her life expectancy would be just one more year. She decided that she would donate her body to science for continual study and education. The study would culminate with a complete dissection of her body, from head to toe, with photos taken after each “cut”. She was well aware of the grisly nature of what would transpire but wanted to fulfill her dream of making medical students more compassionate doctors.

Solution with EPUTEC (EXAIR) products
Instead, she lived on for another 14 years and allowed National Geographic to chronicle her life story and subsequent dissection. All in the name of furthering medical research. The process involved removing 300µ layers at a time, taking a photo after each pass that would be used in a time-lapse video showing the entire dissection of the human body. So how does EPUTEC (EXAIR) play into this fascinating story?
In order to get a clean picture, the milled material had to be blown off. An isopropyl alcohol solution was sprayed onto the surface just before they snapped a photo. At about 12:45 in the video, you can see the process begin. The blowoff was performed with an Model 110012SS Super Air Knife and the isopropyl alcohol was applied with an EB1020SS Atomizing Spray Nozzle.
Atomizing Spray Nozzles as a solution for clear image
You can also see a 9212 12” Stay Set Hose being used to position the spray nozzles just above the ice block. When this particular video was taken, they hadn’t yet implemented the Atomizing Spray Nozzles. They contacted EPUTEC´S manufacturer EXAIR looking for a better solution to the cheap liquid only nozzles that they were previously using. These used a significant amount of the isopropyl alcohol solution, and they couldn’t get an even or repeatable coating prior to the photo. This resulted in some of the images not being quite as clear as they hoped and would have to check each individual image as it was taken. At 300µ at a time, that would’ve taken forever if they had to continuously verify and retake images that didn’t come out clear enough.
The Atomizing Spray Nozzles provided a uniform coating of the solution just prior to taking the photo which resulted in a perfectly clear image each and every time. This way, they could confidently run the machine without having to stop after each pass to check the photo.
While it won’t be every day you encounter something quite like this, you can count on EXAIR´s Intelligent Compressed Air Products for all your point-of-use compressed air needs. Reach out to an Application Engineer of EPUTEC or EXAIR if you need help in any of your processes.

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