The TERRINet Project represents the effort made by Europe to grow and educate a new generation of researchers in Robotics able to design, develop and manage future robots.
The European Robotics Research Infrastructure Network (TERRINet) aims at offering a free-of-charge Trans-National access to:
- high quality infrastructures
- (12 research centers, 90+ platforms)
- excellent research services
- (technical and scientific support of top experts)
- top-level training to a multiplicity of users
- (schools, online courses, workshops)
How to get access
Access will be enabled to users through calls (Dec 1, 2018/2019/2020). You can submit a proposal in which you explain your scientific project to be implemented in one of the Robotics Research Infrastructures of TERRINet.
Selected experiments will have the access cost of the infrastructure covered by the TERRINet project, plus a budget contribution for travel and subsistence expenses. Find more information at
- Calls for access to the Infrastructures
- Research Exchange Programmes
- Summer/Winter Schools and Massive Open Online Courses
- Learning on-the-field, seminars and visits
- Assistance for start-up creation
- Workshops/special sessions at Robotics and other scientific conferences, exhibitions, fairs
- Technology transfer support to industrial researchers
- Applications from industrial stakeholders to search/offer internships, cooperation, and technologies

Who can apply
- Students (school students, undergraduate, graduate, PhD, Masters)
- Industrial researchers and Academics (including postdoctoral)
- Enterpreneurs (Micro and SMEs, Mid-Caps, Large industries)
APPLY NOW! The first call for Trans-National Access is open until February 28th! More info
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730994. The dissemination of results of the project reflects only the TERRINet Consortium view and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.